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This Employee Handbook represents a compilation and condensation of governing language with respect to employee benefits, and College policies, procedures, guidelines and services. It is intended for general information purposes only. Administrative actions and policy determinations should be premised upon primary documents and consultations which are available upon request.
This manual is not a contract or an implied contract of employment and is subject to change.
Eligibility for some of the employee benefits and services described herein depends upon whether an employee’s position title is included within one or another of the collective bargaining units. For additional information, consult the appropriate collective bargaining agreement provisions, the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD), or the Office of Employee Relations.
Each employee is reminded of the potentially critical need to advise the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) immediately of any change in personal status which might affect employee benefits coverage (e.g., marital status, number of dependents, attainment of the age of 65, etc.).
People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD)
(201) 684-7498 & 7506
We are pleased to have you join our community and hope that the time you spend with us will be productive and enriching.
This Employee Handbook represents a compilation and condensation of governing language with respect to employee benefits and College policies, procedures, guidelines and services. It is intended for general information purposes only. Administrative actions and policy determinations should be premised upon primary documents and consultations with your supervisor and/or People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) staff.
The Employee Handbook has been developed as a reference to assist you in learning about rights, benefits and responsibilities related to your employment at Ramapo College. It is in your best interest to be informed and stay informed about benefits and services available to you. We hope you will take the time to review these contents and reach out to a People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) representative should you have any questions.
As a member of the College community, you have the opportunity and privilege to participate in a variety of educational, recreational, and cultural activities. The campus is a beautiful setting in which to work and we encourage you to explore it. Ramapo strives to provide a work environment that supports the employee and their goals. We are committed to serving our students and provide a quality environment for all who work at Ramapo.
In all aspects of the campus community, Ramapo College practices affirmative action and gender equity, as well as an appreciation for differences in sexual orientation and racial and ethnic diversity.
On behalf of Ramapo College, welcome!
Virginia Galdieri
Assistant Vice President of People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD)
Ramapo College is New Jersey’s Public Liberal Arts College, dedicated to providing students a strong foundation for a lifetime of achievement. The College is committed to academic excellence through interdisciplinary and experiential learning, and international and intercultural understanding. Ramapo College emphasizes teaching and individual attention to all students. We promote diversity, inclusiveness, sustainability, student engagement, and community involvement.
As the region’s premier public liberal arts college, Ramapo College of New Jersey prepares students to be successful leaders for a changing world through its distinctive commitments to hands-on learning and faculty-student
Ramapo College is the Public Liberal Arts College of the state of New Jersey. The work of the College and its members is conducted with integrity. Our values are:
The College maintains a variety of recreational facilities. Employees may use outdoor facilities such as tennis courts and track. The Bill Bradley Sports and Recreation Center, offers an indoor pool, fitness center, rock climbing wall, and basketball court. All are available when not in use by athletic teams or for intramurals and during posted hours. Employees are eligible to join intramural programs. A valid Ramapo College I.D. card must be shown for admittance to athletics facilities.
The Atrium is an ideal hub for the campus community, keeping commuter and resident students in mind the Atrium has ample lounging areas and is designed to increase speed of service for students on the go.
The Roadrunner Express is a convenience store offering a wide variety of snacks, beverages, frozen foods, toiletries and household items.
Curtain Call Café is a cozy coffee house in the Berrie Center serving Starbucks coffee beverages, pastries and items from our Simply To Go line such as sandwiches, salads, parfaits and more!
Dunkin Donuts is available in the Adler Center
Two “self serve” and “all you can eat” style restaurants cater primarily to resident students with meal plans but are available for employee use:
The Marketplace at Birch Tree Inn
It is located on the first floor of the Scott Student Center offers an all you care to eat dining program complete with signature brands and menu selections that include just about every item you can imagine. Features a wide variety of fresh food designed to satisfy everyone’s appetite with food choices to rival your favorite restaurants.
Pavilion Dining
Is located near Oak and Maple Halls and features cook to order grill and daily specials. Come try the Chef’s Bar located in the dining room, featuring daily specials.
The Campus Store provides an assortment of general reading materials, office supplies, collegiate clothing, and snacks. Full-time employees are entitled to a staff discount on many items with presentation of a valid Ramapo College I.D. card. The Campus Store is located on the second floor of the Robert A. Scott Student Center and is normally open Monday through Saturday at posted times.
The facilities of the George T. Potter Library are available to all employees. A valid Ramapo College I.D. card must be presented in order to withdraw books or complete other transactions. The schedule of hours may be obtained by calling the Library or checking the web page.
As a member of the College Community, you have the benefit of special rates for activities and events sponsored by the College when such rates are offered. You are also invited to attend special events which are open to the College community and the public at no charge. Approval from supervisors is necessary to attend events and programs which take place during regular working hours..
The Angelica and Russ Berrie Center for Performing and Visual Arts is our exciting new facility with a dual purpose: to serve students as a cutting edge learning facility and the community as a performance and exhibit space. It includes theaters, art galleries, classrooms and studios. It was built through a lead gift from Angelica and Russ Berrie as well as funds from corporations, individuals, College employees and alumni, state and federal government, and private foundations. For a schedule of events, please check the web page Berrie Center.
The Public Safety Office, located on the first floor of C Wing, is the office that processes all property lost or found on campus. If you lose an article, its loss should be reported there. If it has been found, it will be kept awaiting your identification.
Relevant information regarding human resources including; employment, benefits, payroll, and other important workplace updates, are communicated through the Daily Digest by the Office of Marketing & Communications. This is a daily broadcast e-mail that serves as the College’s daily electronic newspaper and bulletin of official notices. Faculty and staff are expected to read the Daily Digest.
Bulletin Boards are maintained throughout the College to keep you informed about changes affecting you as an employee and to bring to your attention other information which may be of general interest to you. You are encouraged to read posted notices. Job opportunities are routinely posted throughout the campus as well as on the College’s web page at https://www.ramapo.edu/poerd/job-specifications/.
The Public Safety Office (located in C Wing, first floor) is open 24 hours a day every day of the year. Staff are trained in first aid and have direct access to local emergency care personnel, fire and police. In the event of an emergency, dial extension 6666. For regular business, dial extension 7432.
An Automated Teller Machine affiliated with TD Bank is located on the first floor in the Robert A. Scott Student Center. It is available for use by all faculty and staff. NYCE, MAC and Plus System, Visa, and Discover cards may be used.
The College is a member of the North Jersey Federal Credit Union and the Visions Federal Credit Union which offer savings and loan accounts, through payroll deductions, as well as free checking, free VISA card and other services. For information on joining, call North Jersey Federal Credit Union at 973-785-9200, Visions Federal Credit Union at 800-242-2120, or the Payroll Office at extension 7783.
The Employee Consulting Associates provides our employee assistance program. This is a confidential counseling referral service for all College employees at no cost. It may be used in any of the following circumstances:
1. When an employee receives an unsatisfactory performance evaluation.
2. When an employee on his/her own initiative requests use of the Employee Assistance Program.
3. When an employee is referred by the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD).
The Employee Consulting Associates can be reached by calling 1-888-291-1524. Additional information is available in the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) or on the web page, Employee Assistance Program.
Parking privileges are provided to employees without charge. To ensure the well-being of individuals, and to safeguard property, regulations governing vehicular traffic on campus must be strictly adhered to by all employees. Vehicles must display a current parking decal on the left side window behind the driver. Traffic regulations are distributed by Public Safety. Specific parking fields are reserved for faculty and staff.
The College cannot be responsible for any damage or loss to any car while parked on college premises. Cars should be locked to minimize the possibility of theft. Cars should be parked carefully within designated spaces only. Employees must not park in spaces reserved for people with disabilities, reserved spaces, and unauthorized areas. Any incidence of theft, injury or damage should be reported to the Public Safety Office immediately.
Employee identification cards, parking decals, and parking lot access cards may be obtained through the Public Safety Office. New faculty and staff members should obtain further information from the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD).
Detailed recruitment procedures for unclassified and classified staff are available in the Unit Head Handbook on the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) web page.
UNCLASSIFIED – Recruitment of unclassified staff is governed by procedures approved by the Board of Trustees. Details are available in the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) and on the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) web page under Policies and Procedures, Hiring Procedures for Unclassified Staff
CLASSIFIED – Recruitment of classified staff is governed by New Jersey Civil Service Commission certification procedures. Details are available in the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) and on the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) web page under Policies and Procedures, Hiring Procedures for Classified Staff
Students may apply for posted vacancies for which they qualify and will be considered for employment opportunities along with other eligible candidates. Students employed under the Student Aide or College Work Study programs are limited in the number of hours they are permitted to work and should be guided by policies and procedures administered by the Cahill Center for Experiential Learning and Career Services, https://www.ramapo.edu/careercenter/
All College offices are generally open each weekday, twelve months each year, between the hours of 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Unit heads may schedule additional hours of operation depending upon their respective needs. Except where operational needs dictate otherwise, any deviation from the normal work schedule must be approved through the Flexible Work Arrangements policy.
Normally during the summer, subject to the President’s approval, the College will operate on a “four day work week” schedule, between the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:15 PM, and most offices will close on Fridays. Specific details of the summer schedule are issued each spring.
In order to receive compensation for a holiday, employees must be in pay status the day before the holiday.
All full-time non-faculty employees are entitled to these holidays.
In the event any of the above legal holidays fall on a Sunday, they are celebrated on the following Monday.
In the event any of the above legal holidays fall on a Saturday, they are celebrated on the preceding Friday.
This holiday schedule may be modified by Executive Order of the Governor.
College classes may be held on some of these holidays.
Unit heads are requested to review operational requirements to determine the effect of closing their respective offices on these holidays. Requests to keep staff on duty must be made to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD).
Employees should be guided by their collective bargaining unit agreement or by procedures established within their work unit.
Generally, fixed work-week employees are entitled to a paid fifteen-minute rest period during each one-half shift. In addition, an unpaid lunch period of one hour is provided.
Relief breaks may not be combined or accumulated or taken at the end of the work day for early dismissal.
Whenever an employee is delayed in reporting to work, he/she should contact the supervisor in advance. If the employee is unable to reach his/her supervisor, a message should be left with the unit secretary unless otherwise specified by unit policy. Chronic lateness may be cause for disciplinary action.
The following is the approved Ramapo College of New Jersey policy regarding snow emergency and employee attendance:
1. All employees are expected to be in attendance at work at all times specified by a prearranged schedule of work hours.
a. All employees may be excused from work only by the President for reasons of weather or other emergency. In such cases, accrued leave credits will not be charged. If an employee has an already excused absence (vacation, leave, etc.) during an unplanned college closing they will be charged with the previously requested benefit time.
b. Absences from work may be excused by supervisors consistent with standing policy for individual employees for individual reasons. In such cases, accrued leave will be charged.
c. Some employees may be required to work to provide essential services. These employees will generally be notified of this requirement in advance by supervisory personnel. Depending on the conditions at the time, others may be notified by telephone.
d. Employees who are required to work to provide essential services will be paid at regular rates for all hours of their regular work shift and at premium rates thereafter in accordance with contractual agreements.
2. Independently of the question of employee attendance, the President of the College may determine that College classes shall be canceled. In such cases:
a. All employees are expected to be in attendance at work.
b. Accrued leave credits will be charged, consistent with standing policy, for individual employee absences.
c. The College will use Alert Me Now and post to College website to announce the cancellation of classes.
If there are questions concerning this Emergency Closings Policy, please contact the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD).
Closing information will be provided to the radio stations listed below:
www.ramapo.edu – announcements will be posted as available
Alert Me Now – Those who have signed up for Alert Me Now will receive messages as available.
You should be guided by instruction for Ramapo College faculty and staff and students, not State office closing ordered by the Governor.
Telephone Announcement Line – 201-236-2902
College closing information will be on this line during inclement weather and other emergencies.
Closing information will also be posted on our web page.
During complete closings of the College (offices closed, classes canceled), a sign will be placed by the Public Safety Booth at the main entrance to the campus.
Non-teaching unclassified employees shall accrue 1.5 days of vacation credit for each full month of service from the date of appointment through December 31 of the year in which appointment occurs. For each succeeding calendar year thereafter, unclassified employees shall accrue 22 days vacation credited at the beginning of the calendar year.
Non-teaching, ten-month, unclassified employees shall accrue 1.5 days vacation credit for each full month of service from date of appointment through June 30 of year hired. For each academic year thereafter, said employees shall accrue 18 days vacation credited at the beginning of the academic year.
Managerial employees on a 12-month contract employed after July 1 shall accrue 1.83 days credit for each full month of employment from the date of appointment through June 30 of the fiscal year in which appointment occurs and 22 days per fiscal year thereafter. For each succeeding fiscal year thereafter, managerial employees shall accrue 22 days vacation credited at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Ten-month managerial employees are entitled to 1.8 days per month, or 18 days per fiscal year thereafter.
Classified staff are credited with vacation leave as follows:
Vacation may be scheduled and used in fifteen (15) minute intervals.
Permission to use vacation time is subject to the operational needs of the College and the permission of the employee’s supervisor requested in advance.
Vacation allowance must be taken during the current year (calendar year for bargaining unit staff, fiscal year for managerial staff and academic year for 10-month staff) at such time as permitted or directed by the College, unless the College determines that it cannot be taken because of pressure of work. Employees may request a maximum of one year of earned vacation allowance to be carried forward into the next succeeding year only (calendar year for bargaining unit staff, fiscal year for managerial staff and academic year for 10-month staff).
Keeping vacation leave balances low reduces the College’s reserve requirement and frees up funds to be used for operating expenses. Using vacation leave balances in the year earned is encouraged.
During the first year of employment, vacation may only be used as it is accrued. Not until January 1 of the second calendar year of employment (July 1 for managers, September 1 for ten-month staff) is the full year’s vacation allowance credited in advance. If an employee separates from the College having used unearned vacation leave, adjustments will be made in the final paycheck.
A permanent employee who returns from military service is entitled to full vacation allowance for the calendar year of return and for the year preceding, provided the latter can be taken during the year of return.
Sick leave may be used when employees are unable to perform their work because of personal illness, accident, or exposure to contagious disease. Sick leave may be used because of death in the employee’s immediate family. Sick leave may be used to care for an ill family member in accordance with the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) and as amended in 2008, as well as the State Family Leave Act (FLA). (Additional details are available in the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD), including definition of “immediate family.”)
Proof of injury or illness may be required when there is reason to believe there is abuse, an employee has been absent for five or more consecutive work days, or an employee has been absent on sick leave for more than an aggregate of more than 15 days in a 12-month period.
The employee is required to notify his/her supervisor of the absence due to illness at the earliest possible time, but in no event less than the usual reporting time.
All faculty in their first year of employment accumulate 1.25 days per month and thereafter a total of 12.5 days per year, credited at the beginning of the academic year.
Non-teaching professionals on a 12-month contract employed after January 1 shall accrue 1.25 days per month for their first year of employment and thereafter 15 days per calendar year credited at the beginning of the calendar year. Ten-month employees shall accrue 12.5 days per calendar year pro-rated for the first year and credited at the beginning of the academic year.
Managerial employees on a 12-month contract employed after July 1 shall accrue 1.25 sick days per month for their first year of employment and thereafter 15 days per fiscal year credited at the beginning of the fiscal year. Ten-month managerial employees shall accrue 12.5 sick days per fiscal year, pro-rated for the first year and credited at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Full-time classified employees in their first calendar year of employment earn one sick day per month and 15 days in every calendar year thereafter, credited at the beginning of the calendar year.
Any amount of sick leave allowance not used in any calendar year shall accumulate to the employee’s credit from year to year to be used when needed for such purpose.
If an employee separates from the College having used unearned sick leave, adjustments will be made in the final paycheck.
At retirement, employees (not faculty) may be eligible to a lump sum payment for a portion of unused, accumulated sick leave up to a maximum of $15,000.
Sick leave may be taken in fifteen (15) minute intervals.
Employees in classified service shall be granted 1/2 days of administrative leave after each full calendar month of employment to a maximum of 3 days. In each calendar year thereafter, 3 administrative leave days will be granted. Administrative leave is not cumulative and can be used only in half-day or full day increments.
Requests for administrative leave of absence must be approved by a supervisor in advance. Priority in granting such requests shall be:
a. emergencies
b. observation of religious or other days of celebration, but not public holidays
c. personal business
d. other personal affairs
e. holiday closing
Administrative leave may be taken in conjunction with other types of paid leave.
Administrative leave time is not credited to unclassified employees.
Part-time employees earn a pro-rated portion of leave entitlement. Contact the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) for details.
Absenteeism is costly and disruptive to College operations. The College relies on the good attendance of all employees.
Please follow the procedures for allotted leaves outlined above (i.e., vacation, sick, and personal leave).
Except for emergencies, all absences must be requested in advance and approved by the supervisor. Employees should be guided by their collective bargaining agreements and procedures established within their work unit. Non-emergency absences not requested in advance are considered unauthorized.
Proof of injury or illness may be required when there is reason to believe there is abuse, an employee has been absent for five or more consecutive work days, or an employee has been absent on sick leave for more than an aggregate of more than 15 days in a 12-month period.
Excessive absenteeism may be cause for disciplinary action.
Any employee who is absent from duty for five (5) consecutive business days without notice to and approval of his or her supervisor, or who fails to report for duty within five (5) business days after the expiration of any authorized leave, may be subject to dismissal by the College.
Eligible employees (generally those employed at Ramapo at least 12 months), may be entitled to 12 weeks of leave (paid or unpaid) to care for a newborn child, an adopted child, an ill family member or personal illness. Pregnancy is treated like any other temporary medical condition requiring a leave of absence. An employee anticipating such a leave should submit a “Request for Leave” form to the supervisor with copies to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD), accompanied by supporting documents. (Medical records should be directed to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) only.)
Provisions of the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA, 1993) and the New Jersey Family Leave Act, (FLA, 1990) vary. The State Family Leave Act (FLA) provides for leave from employment for 12 weeks in any 24-month period so that the employee may provide care made necessary by reason of the birth of a child of the employee; the placement for adoption of a child with the employee; or the serious health condition of a family member. The Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides for 12 weeks of FMLA in a 12-month period because of the birth of a child or the placement of a child for adoption or foster care; because the employee is needed to care for a child, spouse or parent with a serious health condition; or because the employee’s own serious health condition makes the employee unable to do his or her job. Leave may be taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule. Please see Family Leave on the HR web page. FMLA also provides for care for a covered military service member or for managing the affairs while member is on active duty.
Employees may be eligible for temporary disability insurance or family leave insurance for qualifying reasons.
Pregnancy is treated like any other temporary medical condition requiring a leave of absence. The length of time required for the leave is a medical decision determined by the physician. Earned and accumulated vacation and sick time may be applied to the leave, as well as temporary disability insurance and family leave insurance. An employee anticipating such a leave must notify his/her supervisor and should submit to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) a physician’s certificate indicating the anticipated date of delivery.
Employees eligible for family leave (described above), may use such unpaid leave for child care purposes. In the event Family Leave entitlement is unavailable, child care may be granted to employees under the same terms and conditions as all other leaves without pay. Employees may also be eligible for family leave insurance.
All tenured faculty members and librarians are eligible if they will have completed six or more years of service as of June 30 prior to the year for which the leave is requested. Sabbatical leaves are granted no more frequently than once every seven years. The Office of Employee Relations will advise eligible faculty and librarians of the submission date for applications and the timetable to complete the process, including Unit and Sabbatical Leave Committee actions. Please see Sabbatical procedures on the Provost website.
See Professional Leaves for Managerial Non-Aligned Non-AFT Policy 615
Leave is granted with pay when jury duty requires an employee’s absence from assigned duties. Supervisors must be notified and a copy of the subpoena requiring jury duty must be forwarded to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) in addition to certification of dates served. (This certification should be requested of the Court Clerk by the juror when the duty is completed.)
Employees shall be granted time off with pay to appear as a witness or a party before a judicial or administrative body or legislative committee when such appearance is part of the job function. If an employee appears as a witness or a party during his or her normal day off, the employee shall be compensated in accordance with College compensatory time policy. When an appearance before a judicial or administrative body is not part of the job function, the employee shall be granted time off with pay when summoned as a witness in a proceeding to which he or she is not a named party, and shall be granted time off without pay to appear at a proceeding to which he or she is a party. However, an employee is entitled to time off with pay to attend his or her workers’ compensation proceeding.
An employee who enters the military service will be granted a leave of absence without pay for the period of active duty. Any employee who is a member of the Reserve component of the armed forces and is required to participate in annual active duty shall be granted a leave of absence with pay not to exceed 90 days in one year. Employees requesting such leaves must notify supervisors and submit a copy of their military orders to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) well in advance. A permanent employee who returns from military service is entitled to full vacation allowance for the calendar year of return and for the year preceding, provided the latter can be taken during the year of return.
The purpose of the Voluntary Furlough Program is to reduce salary costs and thereby lessen the need for reductions in the workforce by allowing employees to take time off from work without pay in a calendar year without adversely affecting certain benefits. Voluntary furlough may be taken so long as there is no increase in overtime costs, there is no need to backfill the position, and no loss of anticipated revenue occurs. Voluntary furlough may be used for any purpose except for sick leave, leave without pay due to disability, or to seek or engage in alternative employment. Additional details are available on the New Jersey Division of Pension and Benefits web page, Voluntary Furlough, or in the Benefits Section of the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD), extension 7502.
Requests for leaves for educational or personal reasons are within the discretion of the College (in some cases subject to New Jersey Civil Service Commission approval). All requests should be submitted to the appropriate supervisors.
11. LEAVES OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY MAY NOT EXCEED ONE YEAR unless otherwise prescribed by union contracts, state/federal law, or exceptional circumstances.
An employee may be eligible to receive donated sick or vacation leave if the employee has completed at least one year of continuous service; has exhausted all accrued sick, vacation, compensatory time, and sick leave injury benefits; has not, in the two-year period immediately preceding the employee’s need for donated leave, been disciplined for chronic or excessive absenteeism, chronic or excessive lateness or abuse of leave; and either suffers from a catastrophic health condition or injury, or is needed to provide care to a member of the employee’s immediate family who is suffering from a catastrophic health condition or injury; or requires absence from work due to the donation of an organ. Details are available in the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD), Benefits Office, extension 7502.
Ramapo College will make every attempt to facilitate an early return to work through modified duty for employees who sustain job-related or non job-related injuries/illness that prevent them from performing the essential functions of their job. Modified duty will only be considered for employees with a temporary impairment and not remain in place beyond 12 weeks. Modified duty may not be available for certain positions based on the nature of the job and the operational needs of the Unit/College.
All requests should go to the Benefits Office.
These employees are governed by the provisions of the AFT contract, and NJSA 18A and Board of Trustee Policy.
These employees are not in a bargaining unit and are governed by the provisions of NJSA 18A and Board of Trustee Policy.
These employees are governed by the provisions of NJSA 11A and the New Jersey Administrative Code 4A (New Jersey Civil Service Commission), and either by the CWA contract or IFPTE contract, depending on their titles.
The New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act categorizes confidential employees as employees whose functional responsibilities or knowledge in connection with the issues involved in the collective negotiations process would make their membership in any appropriate negotiating unit incompatible with their official duties. Such employees still receive the benefits which accrue to State employees; however, they are ineligible for union representation in contractual processes. Details are available in the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD).
Classified staff serve a four-month working test period, which can be extended for two months at the discretion of the College, which begins on the date they are appointed from a “certification”, or list, or on the first of employment for non-competitive titles.
Unclassified staff not holding faculty rank serve five years of probationary service leading to consideration for a multi-year contract.
Faculty and librarians must have completed six (6) or five and one-half (5 1/2) years of service by the close of Spring semester prior to submission of an application for reappointment with tenure.
The needs of the College determine whether a position is established as Full-Time or Part-Time. Requests for a change in this status will be considered if they are approved by the unit head, division head, and the Vice President for Administration & Finance and the Administrative Council.
Some positions are ten-month appointments, from September 1 to June 30. Applicable health, dental, and life insurance benefits continue through the summer. Salaries and leave entitlements are pro-rated.
When an employee is reclassified or promoted out of a classified career service title to an unclassified title, the employee relinquishes all the rights and privileges of a classified employee.
For a variety of reasons, including but not limited to sudden resignations, illness, leave of absence, special project, failed search, etc., the President may fill a professional position with a person in an acting or interim capacity. If the position becomes permanent, a search will be initiated. If eligible, the individual holding the acting position can apply for the permanent position.
Managers and employees in hourly, temporary positions are at-will employees who can be terminated by the College at any time without notice or severance pay. There are no entitlements to benefits or pay for hours not worked.
Job opportunities at Ramapo College are routinely posted throughout the campus and are on College’s web page at www.ramapojobs.com External vacancies are posted on the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) bulletin board in D building.
Promotional opportunities for classified staff are posted on bulletin boards throughout the College and on the web. For unclassified staff, see “J” above.
People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) is committed to ensuring that all employees are classified and compensated fairly, which is why HR requests that any changes in responsibilities be presented to HR prior to the effect of those changes to ensure proper classification and compensation. At any point that there are significant ongoing changes to a position that would warrant a change in classification a review of the position should take place immediately. In addition, each union contract has a clause addressing reclassification and represented employees always have the option to request a review for reclassification.
Requests for reclassification should be discussed with Division Heads prior to submission to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD). Documentation submitted to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) should include a cover memorandum outlining how the job has changed, what duties are outside the scope of the current title, and any other pertinent information, including a current job description and organizational chart.
Classified staff may appeal reclassification decisions by contacting the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) which will forward the appeal to the New Jersey Civil Service Commission. Unclassified staff should contact the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) for details regarding appeals to the Position Review Committee.
Procedures for Reclassification for Classified Staff and Reclassification for Unclassified Staff are available on the College’s web page.
Classified staff must take a promotional examination before permanent appointment to a higher title. Details are available in the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD).
Faculty promotion procedures, faculty range adjustments, and performance-based promotions for unclassified staff are administered by the Office of Employee Relations.
Employees interested in transfer opportunities may apply by contacting the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD). Every effort will be made for a smooth transition within a reasonable time frame.
Employees covered by the provisions of the AFT contract should consult it regarding procedures for reassignment.
Employees interested in reassignment are encouraged to consult the Job Opportunities listing on the web page.
The People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) will provide verification of any employee’s current and prior employment status to potential creditors or other designated individuals or agencies. Such verifications are usually provided within 48 hours of receipt by the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD).
The People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) is the only department authorized to respond to all reference checks or employment verification inquiries on current or former employees. Responses to such inquiries will confirm only dates of employment, salary, and position(s) held. A written authorization and release signed by the individual who is the subject of the inquiry is required. Personal references may be given if requested by a former employee, but it should be made clear it is a personal reference only, and the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) responds to formal reference check inquiries.
Reference and criminal background checks will be conducted for all new hires of regular faculty, staff, adjuncts and coaches, and for other hires at the discretion of the College. Driver’s license checks, and drug and alcohol testing will be conducted for those whose responsibilities include driving. Degree verification will be conducted where applicable.
In accordance with Federal law, all employees must provide proof of identity and employment eligibility at the time of employment.
Information that is falsely reported may be cause for withdrawal of an offer of employment and/or cause for termination of employment.
Some classified titles require a physical exam, performed at a nearby medical facility and paid for by the College.
Notice of resignation should be made in writing and given to supervisors providing reasonable advance notice. Classified staff are required to provide a minimum of 14 days written or verbal notice. Unclassified staff are expected to continue to serve until the completion of the academic year or their term of appointment. The College expects sufficient advance notice of any intended resignation/retirement in order to plan adequately.
Separating employees must contact the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) to arrange for separation processing. All staff who are terminating employment with the College must clear and/or return the following items before terminating:
Network accounts will be disabled. Please be advised that on the first business day following your last day of employment, your network account login will be disabled and you will be unable to access any network drive. This includes e-mail, voice mail, network access, access to drives (“P” and “U”), Employee Self-Service, Library on-line data base, and wireless access. If you wish to retrieve any personal information saved on College electronic resources, you must download it by the end of your last day of employment. You are not authorized to retrieve/download official College business records.
Arrangements must be made by all faculty to submit all grades, with provision for making up any INCOMPLETE or change of grade, and for securing departmental agreement for plans to vacate office space.
Failure to observe all of the above may result in delay in receipt of the final paycheck.
Upon termination of employment employees may be scheduled for an exit interview to discuss the reasons for leaving the College. The purpose of the interview is to evaluate the College’s effectiveness as an employer and to get suggestions for improvement in any area of College life.
Employees may be asked to serve on search and screen, special project, or other committees. The College encourages participation with supervisor’s approval.
Employees should provide reasonable notice to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) for the opportunity to review and examine their personnel files. Requests for copies will be honored within reason. Additional details are provided in respective bargaining unit contracts. Official personnel files of AFT faculty and unclassified staff are maintained in the Office of Employee Relations.
This brochure is available in the Public Safety Office and provides a report of any criminal activity on campus. Campus crime statistics in accordance with the requirements of the Clery Act are available by contacting Student Affairs (extension 7456), Public Safety (extension 7432) or by accessing the Public Safety website at https://www.ramapo.edu/publicsafety/
The College is committed to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which is a federal anti-discrimination statute designed to remove barriers which prevent qualified individuals with disabilities from enjoying the same employment opportunities that are available to persons without disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate special needs and the College has set aside funds for this purpose. Requests for accommodation due to medical disability should be referred to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD). Complaints regarding lack of accommodation should be directed to the Office of Affirmative Action and Workplace Compliance.
The College administers state-wide compensation schedules which fix the salary range for each position title. Most classified ranges are comprised of ten salary steps. Faculty and unclassified, AFT ranges have twelve salary steps. The difference between any two consecutive steps along the same range is equal to five percent of the minimum step for that range.
Once employed, movement from one salary to the next or higher salary step for bargaining unit employees is dependent upon satisfactory performance and salary program provisions of respective collective bargaining agreements. This upward movement generally happens on the employee’s anniversary date (see B. below) which is approximately one year after the date of hire.
There is a performance-based compensation plan for managerial employees at Ramapo College. The anniversary date of managerial employees is July 1. The compensation schedule provides for a minimum and maximum salary for each salary range. The amount of an annual increase is based on performance and availability of funds. There are no automatic annual increases or across-the-board increases for managers.
An anniversary date is the biweekly pay period in which an employee (non-management) is eligible, if warranted by performance and place in the salary range, for a salary increase. Normally it is one year from the date of hire, but may change as a result of a pay adjustment, if the employee is at the eighth step of the range, or as a result of time spent in non-pay status.
The anniversary date of managerial employees is July 1.
All employees are required to sign up for direct deposit. Payroll stubs are distributed via email bi-weekly. Employees may designate one or more banks/credit unions for direct deposit.
There are normally twenty-six pay periods in each fiscal year.
Employees are required to submit bi-weekly time sheets via Banner self service for approval by their supervisor. Web time entry instructions are available: https://www.ramapo.edu/poerd/wp-content/uploads/sites/62/2013/04/Web-Time-Entry-Instructions-Full-Time-Employees.pdf
Certain College employees may be eligible for clothing maintenance allowances. Eligibility for, amount of, and timing of such supplemental compensation is dependent upon provisions of respective collective bargaining agreements.
Payroll deductions may be made for a number of purposes/programs. Most of these are described elsewhere within this document. The following is a comprehensive list of payroll deductions which may be made:
Employees serving in job titles assigned specific workweek limits of 35 or 40 hours are entitled to be compensated for approved time worked in excess of their normal workweek at the rate of time and one-half. (There are various exceptions to this such as special “emergency condition rates” and work done on a day off granted by Executive Order of the Governor. Such matters are handled on a case by case basis in accordance with the State regulations, union contracts, and local practice.)
Employees may request to be credited for overtime worked by receiving payment or compensatory time which is at the discretion of the College. Once the compensatory time balance reaches an annual limit, however, all subsequent overtime must be taken in payments. Compensatory time off can be taken with the advance approval of supervisors, as in the case with vacation time, but will be kept on record as long as it is not used. During fiscal emergencies, the college may provide overtime compensation in compensatory time only, within Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) guidelines.
Please note, in accordance with contractual agreements, any extension of the normal workday of fixed workweek staff beyond 15 minutes requires a full hour of overtime compensated at the rate of time and one-half. Therefore, any necessary overtime should be planned to avoid this. Overtime compensation procedures are contractual entitlements, and there should be no informal, in-house “banking” of extra hours worked by fixed workweek staff. All hours worked beyond the normal workweek must be approved in advance by the supervisor and Unit Head, must be recorded on overtime sheets for appropriate record keeping and compensation.
Those non-faculty employees in the “NE” category of employment may have irregular or variable work hours. The compensatory time policy for NL employees below applies to “NE” employees up to 40 hours per week. Beyond 40 hours, the overtime policy for fixed workweek employees applies (i.e., rate of time and one-half in payment or compensatory time).
Those non-faculty employees in the “NL” category of employment (non-fixed work week) have no claim or entitlement to time off or cash compensation for hours worked beyond their normal schedule. However, unusual requirements for additional work time by these employees may be compensated by allowing roughly comparable amounts of time off, provided prior approval is given by the supervisor and Unit Head.
It is the policy of the College to grant hour for hour compensatory time off, with above-referenced approval, only when employees are required to work on a regularly scheduled day off. For those with Monday through Friday schedules, this means a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday. Compensatory time will not be granted for work done as an extension of the regular work day except underextraordinary conditions which must be explained in advance and approved by the VP Admin. & Finance prior to the dates(s) on which the time is to be worked.
It is the responsibility of unit heads to approve any extra time worked and schedule the time to be used. Time earned must be used within one calendar year from the time it is earned.
Unclassified AFT Professional Staff & Librarians – please see MOA – https://www.ramapo.edu/er/wp-content/uploads/sites/81/2018/06/MOA-Compensatory-Time-for-AFT-Professional-Staff-Librarians-1.pdf
Those provisions explained above for bargaining unit staff will apply. Time earned must be used within one fiscal year from the time it is earned.
Those provisions outlined in the paragraphs above do not apply. Employees in this category work schedules approved by their supervisors and are not eligible for compensatory time on Saturdays or Sundays. They are, however, entitled to comparable time off on another work day approved by their supervisor if they work a State holiday. Time earned must be used within one fiscal year from the time it is earned.
For fixed work week staff, overtime sheets are completed and compensatory time balances are maintained centrally in the Payroll Office. For “NL” staff, compensatory time must be recorded on the recap timesheet on a bi-weekly basis.
Supervisor and Unit Head must approve in advance working on a Saturday, Sunday or a Holiday. Compensation for extension of the normal work day can be considered only in extraordinary circumstances if approved in advance by the supervisor, Unit Head and VP Admin. & Finance.
Exempt, or “NL” employees, are not entitled to cash compensation on compensatory time balances when leaving the employ of the College.
The College, as a State employer, provides health, dental and prescription benefits to all full-time employees and their eligible dependents. Coverage begins two months from date of hire. 10 month faculty hired on September 1 are covered immediately. Health, Dental and Life Insurance benefits continue during summer months without interruption. Any extra premiums necessary to continue benefits are taken prior to final pay check of academic year.
Eligible dependents include spouse, same-sex domestic partner as defined by the Domestic Partnership Act, civil union partners, and unmarried children until the end of the year in which they attain age 26. Coverage will cease automatically December 31 following the attainment of age 26 for dependent children. Coverage can be continued on an individual basis through COBRA for up to 3 years. Certain overage children may be eligible for coverage until age 31. The child must be: under age 30; unmarried; have no dependents; be a resident of New Jersey or full time student; and not covered by another plan. Additional information is available at the following link:
An overage child who is disabled due to a mental or physical disability and who is dependent on the member for support can remain covered as a dependent if the child’s disabled status is approved. Members can request an Application for Continued Enrollment for Dependents with Disabilities. The application and proof of the child’s condition must be received by the NJ Division of Pensions and Benefits Health Benefits Bureau no later than 31 days after the date coverage would normally end. To obtain the application, members can call (609)292-7524 or request it in writing to the NJ Division of Pensions and benefits, Health benefits Bureau, P.O. Box 299, Trenton, NJ 08625-0299. Additional information is available at the following link;
Part-time employees of the State and part-time faculty at institutions of higher education that participate in the SHBP are eligible for coverage if they are members of a State-administered pension system. The employee or faculty member must pay the full cost of the coverage. Additional information is available at the following link:
Health Benefits Coverage for Part-Time Employees
The College offers comprehensive health and prescription coverage with various plans offered by the State Health Benefits Program. Plans offered include a PPO, HMOs and several low cost plans. Employees pay a percentage of premiums, based on level of coverage and annual salary. The low cost plans that are offered have higher deductibles and copays which in turn reduce employee payroll deductions. All plans should be reviewed carefully and compared with spousal/partner coverage if available prior to making an enrollment decision Once enrolled changes will not be permitted with the exception of open enrollment periods and due to qualifying family events such as marriage, divorce, birth and death. Additional information on health plans that are offered is available from the Benefits Office or at the following link:
Full time employees have a choice between two types of dental plans, a DPO or indemnity type plan.
DPOS are companies that contract with a network of providers for dental services. There are several DPOS offered. If you select DPO coverage you must use providers who participate with the DPO you enroll in.
The indemnity plan allows you to choose any licensed dentist for your dental care. There is an annual deductible and you will be reimbursed a percentage of reasonable and customary charges for services that are covered under the plan.
Once enrolled, you and your eligible dependents must remain in the dental plan you elect for a minimum of 12 months before you change plans or drop coverage. In the event you wish to change dental plans, you will not be permitted to do so until the Open Enrollment period following the 12 month period. A payroll deduction is required. All plans should be reviewed carefully and compared with spousal/partner coverage if available prior to making an enrollment decision. Once enrolled changes will not be permitted with the exception of open enrollment periods and due to qualifying family events such as marriage, divorce, birth and death. Additional information on dental plans that are offered is available from the Benefits Office or at the following link:
Dental Plans – Active Employees
The Prescription Drug Program helps meet the cost of drugs prescribed for employees and their eligible dependents. There is a co-payment for each 30-day supply when purchased at a retail pharmacy. The copays vary based on health plan coverage and type of drug. If a “participating pharmacy” is used; the copay is paid to the pharmacy when the prescription is dispensed. If a “non-participating pharmacy” is used, the employee must pay the full amount and file a claim form for reimbursement. The employee will then be reimbursed per a schedule of approved fees. Forms are available on the Benefits website at the following link: https://www.ramapo.edu/poerd/forms/
There is also a mail order component to the program designed for those taking prescription medications on an ongoing basis. The mail order program allows up to a 90 day supply of medication with various copays based on health plan coverage and type of drug. It is required that the physician write the prescription as a 90 day supply with refills when ordering through mail order. Mail order forms are available at the following link: https://www.ramapo.edu/poerd/forms/
Additional information on the prescription plan is available at the following link: Prescription Drug Plans Member Guidebook
This plan covers all full-time employees and their eligible dependents after two months of employment, for partial reimbursement towards eye exams and lenses (single, bifocal or contact). There is no reimbursement toward frames. Benefits are paid in accordance with the bargaining unit agreement. Please refer to your bargaining unit agreement for specific reimbursement rates. An itemized receipt indicating the cost of the exam along with the cost and type of lenses should be submitted to the Benefits Office of the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) for reimbursement. There is no salary deduction for coverage.
The State of New Jersey provides employees participating in the State Health Benefits Program a benefit plan under the provisions of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. Section 125 includes the option of participating in any or all of the following plans.
Health savings accounts are a component of some of the health plans that are offered. Employees may not enroll in both a health savings account and unreimbursed medical spending account.
Employees reaching the age of 65 are usually eligible for Medicare. Current federal law prohibits employers from requiring Medicare enrollment for active employees. The law does allow employees who are still working to drop their employer’s insurance plan and replace it with Medicare. If you do enroll in the Medicare Program while you are still employed or if you were already enrolled when you were hired (and are a participant in the State Health Benefits Program), the State Health Benefits Program will become your primary insurance plan and Medicare will be the secondary plan.
Although Medicare enrollment is not required for those who continue to work, we strongly urge you to contact the Social Security Administration when you or your spouse reach age 65 so that you understand how to secure Medicare coverage when you leave work or retire.
State law requires that anyone who has retired and is eligible for Medicare must enroll in the fullMedicare Program in order to be covered under the retiree group of the State Health Benefits Program. If you do not submit proof of your enrollment in the full Medicare Program (Part A & Part B) when required, your coverage under the State Program will be terminated. As a retiree, once enrolled in Medicare, Medicare will become the primary plan and the State Health Benefits Program will become secondary coverage. Additional information is available at the following link:
New Jersey Workers’ Compensation law provides medical treatment, wage replacement and permanent disability compensation to employees who suffer job-related injuries or illnesses, and death benefits to dependents of workers who have died as a result of their employment.
If an injured employee is disabled for a period of more than seven days, the employee will be eligible to receive temporary total benefits at a rate of 70% of the employee’s average weekly wage, not to exceed 75% of the Statewide Average Weekly Wage (SAWW), or fall below the minimum rate of 20% of the SAWW. These benefits are provided during the period when an employee is unable to work and is under medical care. Determination of eligibility for temporary compensation benefits is made by the Bureau of Risk Management.
All work related injuries or illnesses must be reported to your supervisor and the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) immediately, but in no case later than 24 hours after the incident. If these offices are closed, Public Safety must be notified. If urgent medical care is required, the employee should go to the emergency room of a local hospital and explain that billing should not go through regular insurance, but rather be handled as worker compensation. During the next business day, an accident report must be completed in the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD).
All medical treatment must be authorized and coordinated by the Benefits Office and/or a case manager from Horizon Casualty and be provided by a participating physician. Treatment should not be obtained by the employee’s personal physician. Failure of the employee to comply with these provisions will result in compensation claims being denied.
All employees are urged to exercise extreme caution in the performance of their duties and to recognize that it is an individual responsibility to utilize safe and healthy practices on the job, thus avoiding injury. Instances of unsafe conditions should be reported to the supervisor and/or the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD).
Employees must notify the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) at the onset of any disability in order to protect their rights to payments under disability insurance plans.
Under the New Jersey Temporary Disability Benefits Law, cash benefits may be payable when an employee cannot work because of illness or injury not caused by the job.
Each employee must contribute a payroll tax with a maximum deduction in each calendar year. The wage base for premium deductions will vary each year with the State-wide average weekly wage of the preceding year.
Each claimant is paid two-thirds (2/3) of his/her average weekly wage up to the maximum amount payable set for that calendar year.
The weekly maximum benefit is payable for no more than 26 weeks and a claim cannot be filed until exhaustion of accumulated sick leave.
The employee must file a claim for benefits within 30 days of the start of the disability. Forms are available in the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD), or at the following link: https://myleavebenefits.nj.gov/
Members enrolled in the Alternate Benefit Program (ABP) are eligible for employer-paid, long-term disability insurance coverage after one year of participation in the ABP. If a member is totally disabled due to an occupational or non-occupational condition, the member is eligible to receive a monthly benefit of up to 60 percent of the base salary earned during the 12 months preceding the onset of the disability. This monthly benefit is offset by any other periodic benefit the member may be receiving, such as Workers’ Compensation, short-term disability, or Social Security. In addition, while the member is considered disabled, the member’s and the employer’s mandatory contributions are automatically credited to the member’s retirement account. The member becomes eligible for the disability benefit after six consecutive months of total disability. To be considered totally disabled due to sickness or accidental bodily injury, the member must be unable to perform any and every duty pertaining to his/ her occupation
Members of the Public Employees Retirement System enrolled on or before May 21, 2010 may be eligible for Ordinary disability or Accidental Disability retirement. Additional information is available at the following link: https://www.state.nj.us/treasury/pensions/documents/factsheets/fact04.pdf
Contact the Benefits Office if you wish to apply for this benefit.
Membership in a retirement system is mandatory as a condition of employment for all full-time unclassified, permanent classified (full-time & part-time) employees, or provisional classified employees after 12 consecutive months of employment. Certain part-time, hourly employees may be eligible depending on income level and length of service.
Additional deductions may be made to provide for supplemental retirement income.
All employees participate in the Federal Social Security Program. Deductions, as specified by Federal statute, are withheld from the employee’s paycheck. The State, likewise, makes regular contributions to the Social Security system for each of its employees.
For eligible employees payment for 1/2 of accumulated unused sick leave at retirement to a maximum of $15,000 is authorized. According to State regulations, faculty are considered ineligible for this benefit.
Employees not eligible to enroll in the State Retirement programs are not eligible for payment of unused sick leave.
Life Insurance Coverage is provided as a feature of respective retirement systems. Reduced death benefits are continued after retirement in cases where an employee was a member of the Pension Plan for a minimum of ten years prior to retirement.
Employees not eligible to enroll in the State Retirement programs are not eligible for life insurance.
No medical examination is required unless the member attained the age of 60 prior to enrollment.
Internal Revenue states that the value of the premium cost of group life insurance coverage in excess of $50,000 is taxable income to the employee. Effective January 1, 1988, the Federal Revenue Act of 1987 requires that the value of Group-Term Life Insurance coverage in excess of $50,000.00 constitutes wages for F.I.C.A. tax purposes. Prior to this, the fringe benefit value was subject only to Federal and State income taxes. You have the option of canceling the insurance above in excess $50,000 to avoid the tax liability. The cancellation will stay in effect until a reinstate form is completed (one year minimum).
Persons who have retired from a state-administered retirement program should be aware that public employment after retirement may affect the pension benefit they receive. Additional information is available at the following link:
Employment After Retirement Restrictions
Please consult with the Division of Pensions and Benefits if consideration is being given to working after retirement.
In order to guarantee continued coverage during a period of leave of absence without pay, you or someone acting in your behalf should immediately obtain approval of such leave from the College citing the reason (illness, maternity, family leave, personal business, military service, etc.) Should you be granted an official leave of absence without pay, your insurance will be continued as follows:
It is important to note that no contributions will be required from members covered by contributory life insurance to continue their insurance during an approved leave of absence without pay for reasons of illness, maternity or family leave. However, contributions will be required to continue your contributory insurance if you are on a leave of absence for any reason other than illness, maternity or family leave. In the event you are granted a leave of absence with pay, your insurance coverage will continue during the entire period of the leave, and contributions for your contributory insurance coverage, if applicable, will continue to be deducted from wages.
1. Health Benefits
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 contains a provision pertaining to the continuation of health care benefits for persons enrolled for coverage through an employer group plan. COBRA requires that most employers sponsoring group health plans offer employees and their families the opportunity for a temporary extension of health coverage called “Continuation Coverage” at group rates plus two percent in certain instances where coverage under the plan would otherwise end.
Employees whose coverage terminates because of a reduction in working hours or termination of employment can choose to continue their coverage in the program. However, employees terminated because of gross misconduct are ineligible for such coverage.
If the employee is a spouse of an individual covered by the State Health Benefits Program, he/she has the right to choose continuation coverage if coverage is lost.
Under COBRA, the employee or a family member has the responsibility to inform the employer within 60 days of a divorce, legal separation, or a child losing dependent status under the State Health Benefits program. The employer has the responsibility to notify the State Health Benefits Program of the employee’s death, termination of employment or reduction of hours, or Medicare eligibility.
When notified that one of these events has happened, the employer will in turn notify the employee of the right to choose continuation coverage. Under the law, the employee has 60 days from the date notified to elect continued coverage. If continued coverage is decided, the employee must submit an application form to the Division of Pensions and Benefits, COBRA section, Post Office Box 299, Trenton, NJ 08625-0299.
If the employee does not choose continuation coverage, Group Health Insurance Coverage will end.
The law requires that the employee and dependents be afforded the opportunity to maintain continuation coverage for:
18 months if:
36 months if:
However, the law also provides that continuation coverage may be cut short for any of the following five reasons:
The employee must pay the entire premium for continuation coverage, the full group rate plus 2%.
2. Life Insurance
If employment is terminated before retirement, the employee will continue to be protected for the next 31 days. During the 31-day period he/she may convert the life insurance, without a medical examination, to an individual policy issued by Prudential. He/she may select any type of individual policy customarily being issued by the Prudential Co., except term insurance or a policy containing disability benefits. The individual policy will be effective at the end of the 31-day period. The premiums will be the same as what would ordinarily be paid if an individual policy were applied for at that time. A request for an individual policy should be submitted directly to the nearest Prudential office, together with the Group Life Insurance certificate. If the group life insurance has not been converted to an individual policy by the end of the 31-day period, life insurance protection will terminate.
If public service resumes after having converted the life insurance to an individual policy, and individual policy is still in force when the employee again becomes a member, he/she will be required to discontinue the individual policy or submit satisfactory evidence of insurability before the employee may again be insured under the Group Policy.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) requires the College to certify the type of benefit coverage the employee had at the time of separation from the College. The College will send the employee and/or members of the employee’s family a “Certificate of Coverage”. This certificate will attest to the person’s length of continuous coverage under the NJSHBP.
1. Health Benefits
The right to continue the health insurance at retirement is one of the most important features of the State Program. The employee will be able to continue his/her coverage, provided the coverage was in effect immediately preceding the effective date of his/her retirement. The coverage to be continued will be one of the same type (meaning Single, Husband and Wife/Civil Union/Domestic Partner, Family or Parent and Child) which the employee had as an active employee. Retired employees will pay the cost of the insurance for themselves and their covered dependents, unless they are eligible to have the payment for the insurance made by the State.
State subsidized coverage will be in accordance with bargaining unit agreement at time of retirement.
Employees who elect deferred retirement are not entitled to health benefits under this provision.
The retiring employee will be contacted by the Division of Pensions concerning the continuation of coverage.
2. Life Insurance
Upon retirement, if the employee’s life insurance coverage is in force, it will be reduced to an amount specified by law. Generally, this amounts to 1/2 final salary for ABP members, and 3/16 for PERS members, assuming:
However within the 31-day period following the effective date of retirement, the employee has the privilege of conversion as explained in the preceding section with respect to the amount by which his/her life insurance has been reduced.
It is important to note that group long-term disability insurance cannot be converted to an individual policy.
Each employee must contribute a percent of covered wages. The wage base for this deduction will vary each year. There is no deduction made after the maximum deduction has been reached.
Upon separation, all employees, other than student employees, may be eligible for unemployment insurance compensation with the Division of Unemployment Insurance Compensation, New Jersey Department of Labor and Industry. Eligibility determinations are rendered by the Division of Unemployment Insurance.
Each employee is reminded of the potentially critical need to advise the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) immediately of any change in personal status which might affect employee benefits coverage (e.g., marital status, number of dependents, dependents attaining age 26, attainment of the age of 65, etc.) The rates charged for benefits are based on type of coverage elected by employee.
(The full text of Ramapo College policies approved by the Board of Trustees may be found on the College’s web page.)
Ramapo College of New Jersey is committed to providing every State employee and prospective State employee with a workplace free from prohibited discrimination or harassment. All forms of employment discrimination based upon race, creed, color, national origin, nationality, ancestry, age, sex/gender (including pregnancy), marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, familial status, religion, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identify or expression, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, genetic information, liability for service in the Armed Forces of the United States, disability, and AIDS/HIV status are prohibited and will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment is a form of unlawful gender discrimination and, likewise, will not be tolerated.
Prohibited discrimination/harassment undermines the integrity of the employment relationship, compromises equal opportunity employment, debilitates morale and interferes with work productivity. This policy statement applies to all employees and applicants for employment. Ramapo College of New Jersey will not tolerate harassment or discrimination by anyone in the workplace including supervisors, co-workers, persons doing business with the State, or non-employees. This policy applies to conduct which occurs in the workplace and also extends to conduct that occurs at any location which can be reasonably regarded as an extension of the workplace, such as field location, any off-site business-related social function, or any facility where Ramapo College of New Jersey business is being conducted and discussed.
This policy also applies to third party harassment.
This policy pertains to all employment practices such as recruitment, selection, hiring, training, promotion, transfer, assignment, layoff, return from layoff, termination, compensation, fringe benefits, working conditions and career development.
Please see the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and Compliance (EDIC) web page for the complete policy, New Jersey State Policy Prohibiting Discrimination in the Workplace.
Ramapo College has a strong commitment to maintaining an atmosphere free of all forms of discrimination, including sexual (or gender-based) harassment. In an effort to establish an environment in which the dignity and worth of all members of the College community are respected, sexual (or gender based) harassment of students and employees is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated.
Sexual (or gender-based) harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
Complaints should be directed to the Director of Employment Equity and Affirmative Action, 201-684-7386. For disability related accommodations, please call 201-684-7386 or 201-684-7502.
Ramapo College permits the employment of relatives of current employees so long as no potential conflicts of interest result. Employees must report to their immediate supervisors any relatives who are employed by the College. The full policy is available on the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) web page, Nepotism.
Ramapo College is committed to maintaining a drug free workplace in compliance with applicable laws. The unlawful possession, use, distribution, dispensation, sale or manufacture of controlled substances is prohibited on College premises. The full policy is available on the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) web page, Drug Free Workplace.
Smoking is prohibited in all academic, office and physical plant buildings, College-owned vehicles, and in all residence halls on campus. Further, smokers must be at least 25 feet from the entrance to any campus building when smoking.
The New Jersey Worker and Community Right to Know Act requires public and private employers to provide information about hazardous substances at their workplaces, to give employees information about what chemicals are located at their workplace, and how to work with these hazardous substances safely. Details are available on the Environmental Health and Safety web page, Hazard Communications Program.
The New Jersey Statutes forbid full-time State employees to engage in outside employment if the employment:
New employees must report outside employment at the time they accept employment.
Employees of the College must report to the President or his/her designee any regular or continuing outside employment. A notice to report is sent to each employee once during each fiscal year by the Office of Employee Relations.
Please see the Employee Relations web page for the Ethics Policies.
Computing resources are provided to support the academic research, instructional and administrative objectives of Ramapo College. These resources are available for the use of college faculty, staff, students, and other authorized users to accomplish tasks consistent with the college’s mission. College systems offer powerful tools for communication among members of the Ramapo community and communities outside of the college. When used appropriately, these tools can enhance dialogue and communications. Unlawful or inappropriate use of these tools, however, can infringe on the rights of others, and is unacceptable in an academic institution.
Ramapo College expects all members of its community to use electronic communications in a responsible manner. The college reserves the right to limit access to its networks through college-owned or other computers, and to remove or limit access to material posted on college-owned electronic media. Recognizing that the college is creating a limited public forum, the college retains the right to limit access, and postings, to college systems.
As a means to foster intellectual pursuits, the college will make every effort to respect the privacy of all users. However, for technical reasons related to system architecture and maintenance needs, privacy cannot be guaranteed at all times and users must take this into account when composing email or surfing the Web. An expectation of privacy is further limited by the needs of the college to comply with State and Federal laws, protect the rights of students, faculty, staff, board members, and invitees, and/or to meet administrative objectives.
Ramapo College faculty and staff are provided with e-mail accounts for the purpose of conducting official college business related to instructional, academic and/or administrative activities to accomplish tasks consistent with the college’s mission. Because email is an effective way to disseminate information of importance, relevance and interest, and because it is an important tool to meet the academic and administrative needs of the college community, it shall be the college’s policy that electronic mail (email) be an official communication mechanism with faculty, staff, and students and that all faculty, staff, and students are required to maintain an “@ramapo.edu” address. This is the only email address that will be used for official communication with faculty, staff, and students regarding all academic and administrative matters. Retired tenured faculty and retired staff with at least ten years of service may be permitted to retain their e-mail accounts upon request.
The full Responsible Use of Electronic Communications Policy and Procedures are available in the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) or on the web page. Individuals may not gain access to the College’s electronic resources without signed acknowledgement the policy has been received and read.
Please be advised that on the first business day following your last day of employment, your network account login will be disabled and you will be unable to access any network drive. This includes e-mail, voice mail, network access, access to drives (“P” and “U”), My Luminis/Employee Self-Service, Library on-line data base, and wireless access. If you wish to retrieve any personal information saved on College electronic resources, you must download it by the end of your last day of employment. You are not authorized to retrieve/download official College business records.
The Ramapo College Code of Professional Responsibility consists of a Code of Professional Conduct and a Code of Ethics and establishes such standards of conduct the College deems proper and necessary to advance the beneficial ends of the institution and to foster the professional welfare of the college community. The Code is based on principles of honesty and integrity. The standards it sets forth intend to foster the integration of these principles into the professional life of the College. Foundational to the Code is the understanding that the College is a proper forum for critical inquiry and the free exchange of ideas. Rights of academic freedom and freedom of expression shall be preserved and not be abridged in the application of the Code.
Please see the Employee Relations web page for the complete policy, Code of Professional Responsibility.
Ramapo College recognizes the need to support members of its diverse community as they balance the demands of work and family. Therefore, the College will consider flexible work arrangements when such arrangements are beneficial to the College and the employee. Approval of a flexible work arrangement will be at the sole discretion of the College. The College will consider two flexible work arrangements, flextime or telecommuting.
Flextime allows for flexible scheduling arrangements that permit variations in starting and departure time, but does not alter the total number of hours worked in a workweek.
Telecommuting is an agreed upon work arrangement whereby the employee regularly performs work at home.
Details on the Flexible Work Arrangements Policy are available in the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) and on the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) web page.
Ramapo College of New Jersey adopts the State of New Jersey’s Policy Against Violence pursuant to Executive Order #49 (1996) related to disruptive behavior exhibited by any faculty or staff or contract employees or any violence in the workplace. Additional information is available on the webpage under administration/policies.
In an effort to provide a safe and productive environment conducive to academic and administrative pursuits, Ramapo College of New Jersey may require employees to submit to a “fitness for duty” evaluation if there is reason to believe the individual may not be able to perform the duties of the position. Such an evaluation may be conducted if the employee:
Please see the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) web page for policy, Fitness for Duty.
The Ethics Policies and forms are accessible through the Employee Relations web page and include:
Please see the Employee Relations web page for the Ethics Policies
All college employees are encouraged to seek out staff training opportunities which provide enhancement of individual employee knowledge and skills which are of direct relevance to the responsibilities of one’s job. Workshops and seminars are available on the Learning, Development & Performance webpage – https://www.ramapo.edu/poerd/learning-and-development/ and offers employees the opportunity to participate in a number of training programs concentrated on improving their technical and professional skills. Training is subject to supervisor approval based on operational need.
Depending upon the availability of funds, unclassified AFT and NON-AFT permanent staff may receive tuition reimbursement if they are enrolled in a terminal degree program related to their areas of teaching or work or are enrolled for graduate study necessary to increase expertise in their area of teaching or work.
To apply for reimbursement, employees should complete request forms prior to enrollment in the course of study. In order to secure reimbursement, written proof of payment of tuition and satisfactory completion must be submitted. The course of study may be at any accredited institution other than Ramapo College.
Please call the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) for eligibility guidelines or go to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) web page, Tuition Reimbursement AFT (DOC). Tuition Reimbursement Non-AFT & Managers (PDF)
The Career Development Program applies to faculty and non-teaching professional staff covered by the AFT contract. The Program provides both a means for assessment of career needs and assistance with career development.
Modes of assistance may include tuition reimbursement, career development leaves, financial support for completion of a research project, etc.
Application will be made to Unit Assessment Committees if the individual is being assessed and to the Career Development Committee if the individual is not being assessed. Each year an appropriate calendar will be sent to the community by the Office of Employee Relations.
Other aspects of the program can be found in the Career Development Policy available through Employee Relations. Please see “Sabbatical Leave” and “Professional Leave” in this Handbook.
Complete details are available on the Employee Relations web page, Career Development, Faculty Handbook, and Professional Leaves.
Ramapo College employees may be eligible to apply for tuition remission for approved undergraduate and graduate courses at Ramapo College providing that tuition paying students constitute the minimum number required for the course. The College provides this program to foster the professional development of employees and reserves the right to suspend the benefit at its discretion. Additional information is available at the following link:
The performance appraisal system for classified staff at Ramapo College is known as Performance Assessment Review (PAR) (DOC). PAR is used as a means to assist managers and supervisors to accomplish the following:
Details regarding PAR will be provided by the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) and are available on the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) web page, Performance Evaluation.
There is an annual review of performance in the reappointment procedure in each of the five probationary years. Following the probationary period, in years when the reappointment procedure is not necessary, an assessment alone will be conducted.
Every supervisor has the responsibility to ensure the development of employees working for him/her in relation to those capabilities required to perform their jobs effectively. Employee evaluation systems are important tools to assist Ramapo College in attaining its goals and objectives. The process of performance appraisals tends to improve communication which promotes staff participation and teamwork. More effective staff performance will improve the institution’s overall performance.
Details regarding Performance Assessment for unclassified staff will be provided by the Office of Employee Relations and are available on the Employee Relations web page, Annual Performance Assessment System/APAS.
Unclassified professional staff not holding faculty rank may be considered for appointment for one-year terms for five years, after which professional staff may be offered multi-year contracts. Each candidate for reappointment will undergo a thorough and vigorous review of his/her qualifications for continued employment at the College. Details are available on the Employee Relations web page, Professional Staff Contract Consideration.
Unfortunately, at times, performance problems need to be addressed. Efforts are made to resolve problems informally with the employee and the supervisor, sometimes with the assistance of the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) and/or a union representative. When discipline is deemed necessary, its purpose is corrective, not punitive, and is meant to help the person become a better employee.
Disciplinary procedures are outlined for specific employee categories by College policies, statutes, rules, regulations, employment contracts and labor agreements.
No discipline of an employee should be considered without contacting the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD).
The Ramapo College of New Jersey Employee Recognition Program was established to acknowledge the good work and special achievements of Ramapo College faculty and staff. The program consists of:
President’s Staff Recognition Awards
The President’s Staff Recognition Program recognizes excellence and extraordinary effort demonstrated by full-time and part-time non-temporary Ramapo College employees (non-faculty.)
Staff Leadership Award (up to 3 recipients)
Awarded to a Ramapo College staff member who, in that year, assumed a leadership role and successfully effected positive change.
Staff Service Excellence Award (up to three individual/group recipients)
Awarded to an individual or recognized group that, in that year, provided exemplary service to college constituents.
Staff Team Project Award (one cross- division group recipient)
Awarded to a group of three or more staff members from at least two college divisions who achieved a significant outcome or completed a significant project.
Ramapo College of New Jersey Service Awards Program
The Service Awards Program acknowledges faculty and staff upon completion of each five years of employment with the State of New Jersey (i.e. State employment served outside Ramapo College will count). Years of employment are determined in accordance with the New Jersey Administrative Code 4A:6-6.8. Awards consist of certificates and gift items which are presented at the annual Service Awards ceremony.
Ramapo College of New Jersey Suggestion Award Program
To provide a formal mechanism that will encourage faculty and staff to make suggestions that will produce a notable economy or improve service to the public, student or employee safety, or student or employee welfare. Any faculty or staff below the level of Vice President and employed by Ramapo College at the time of the submission is eligible to participate in the suggestion program.
Ramapo College of New Jersey Employee Excellence Award
This award is to recognize some special accomplishment or contribution. It is up to the employee’s supervisor/unit head to recommend the employee for special recognition. The supervisor/unit head would need to provide significant justification about why the employee has earned special recognition. The award would be a certificate or small cash award or prize.
Care and caution should be used in handling property, equipment, and supplies. Employees should be alert to obvious hazards and waste and report them to supervisors. Office equipment and other property assigned to employees should be kept in good condition; work places should be kept in neat and orderly condition.
Since use of College stationery for unofficial purposes can compromise the College and lead to situations with serious consequences, College stationery may be used only for purposes connected with official business. Use for any other purpose is prohibited. Employees who are uncertain whether the purpose is business related should consult with their supervisor or the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD). College stationery should be safeguarded to ensure there is no improper usage.
The College’s mail processing system is for College business and Resident Student use. The processing of College employee personal mail is NOT permitted. However, employees are permitted to place sealed, stamped envelopes in the Unit’s mail pick-up station (no bulk mailings are permitted).
College telephones are for use in conducting official business and should not be tied up for matters relating to personal business. However, occasionally, when personal telephone calls are necessary, they should be kept as brief as possible. At no time may long distance calls or toll calls of a personal nature be made at the College’s expense.
Fax machines are for handling official documents and should not be used for transmitting personal documents. Special circumstances can be considered after consultation with the supervisor.
Ramapo College faculty and staff are provided with e-mail accounts for the purpose of conducting official college business related to instructional, academic and/or administrative activities to accomplish tasks consistent with the college’s mission. Because email is an effective way to disseminate information of importance, relevance and interest, and because it is an important tool to meet the academic and administrative needs of the college community, it shall be the college’s policy that electronic mail (email) be an official communication mechanism with faculty, staff, and students and that all faculty, staff, and students are required to maintain a “@ramapo.edu” address. This is the only email address that will be used for official communication with faculty, staff, and students regarding all academic and administrative matters.
College resources are provided to support the academic, instructional, and administrative objectives of the College. This should be kept in mind when using the telephones, fax machines, e-mail, the Internet, and other equipment and systems. Chain letters, excessive exchanges of lengthy jokes, conducting transactions of the Internet, and other personal correspondence are not considered responsible use of our resources.
We rely on the professionalism and integrity of our faculty and staff to use our resources in support of the College’s objectives. Please refer to the Responsible Use of Electronic Communications Policy available on the College web page.
Callers accessing the main College number (201) 684-7500 will be greeted by an automated attendant. Please note the following:
From time to time, especially when an employee is away from the office for vacation or leaves of absence, there may need to access business records contained on the employee’s computer or in office files. There should be no expectation of privacy with regard to information left on a computer or in business files. Acts of forgery, alteration or misuse of College documents or records, and unauthorized access to the College’s data base files are a violation of our Code of Professional Responsibility and our Responsible Use of Electronic Communications Policy.
Please be advised that on the first business day following your last day of employment, your network account login will be disabled and you will be unable to access any network drive. This includes e-mail, voice mail, network access, access to drives (“P” and “U”), My Luminis/Employee Self-Service, Library on-line data base, and wireless access. If you wish to retrieve any personal information saved on College electronic resources, you must download it by the end of your last day of employment. You are not authorized to retrieve/download official College business records.
For the protection and safety of employees and of the College, all keys must be safeguarded. Keys should not be loaned to anyone else. Employees will be held accountable for all keys assigned to them and these must be turned in when requested or in the event of termination from the College. Keys are issued by Facilities.
No gifts, gratuities, tips, or other special privileges may be solicited or received in connection with College business. Details are contained on the Employee Relations web page Ethics Policies.
No employee shall incur any liability, make any purchase commitment, or incur any expense on behalf of the College without first assuring compliance with College regulations. Personal business transactions, financial obligations and/or purchases, must not be entered into under the College’s name.
Employees are required to provide the College with complete and accurate address information. Up-to-date telephone numbers should be provided to supervisors/unit heads for use in connection with telephone chains, calls for emergency coverage, or other unit needs in accordance with unit policies.
Employees are required to complete emergency contacts on Banner Self Service. The information will be maintained for use only in the event of an emergency involving a member of the faculty or staff.
Some employees are required to operate a motor vehicle as part of their job duties. These employees are required to possess a driver’s license valid in the State of New Jersey.
Driver’s license and/or vehicle record check with the Department of Motor Vehicles will be conducted for those individuals in positions required to operate a motor vehicle as part of the job duties.
Employees in these positions are required to notify the supervisor and the Director of People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) if their driver’s license is ever suspended or revoked, or if they should, either permanently or temporarily, lose their driving privilege. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
Drivers are required to abide by the provisions in the Motor Vehicle Policy at the following link: https://www.ramapo.edu/policies/policy/motor-vehicle/
Providing that undue strain is not placed on affected College activities, employees may participate in volunteer emergency and rescue services within a limited area surrounding the College. Employees providing such services will be given time off with pay, if they supply proof of membership with an emergency volunteer organization and required attendance at an emergency.
Ramapo College of New Jersey adopts the State of New Jersey’s Policy Against Violence pursuant to Executive Order #49 (1996) related to disruptive behavior exhibited by any faculty or staff or contract employees or any violence in the workplace. The goal is to create a safe, respectful work environment free from intimidation, threats, and acts of violence. Workplace violence includes the threat or actual infliction of physical violence as well as the threat or actual occurrence of psychological violence, which sometimes leads to subsequent physical violence. Moreover, violence or threats of violence against State College property shall not be tolerated.
This policy is intended to foster positive, supportive human relations, create a productive work environment for our academic programs and administrative services and allow a campus environment conducive to the mission of learning.
Administrators, managers and supervisors are expected to promote positive behavior and to lead by example by treating employees with the respect and dignity which each person deserves. Emphasis is placed on creating a workplace where established standards of conduct are clear, communicated, and consistently enforced, and where corrective action is used fairly and appropriately to deal with instances of unacceptable behavior.
Violators are subject to criminal prosecution, suspension and/or termination of employment. The full text of the policy is available on the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) web page, Workplace Violence.
NJ Domestic Violence Policy
The State of New Jersey recognizes that domestic violence presents many challenges for victims, perpetrators and families. In response to these challenges, New Jersey is leading efforts to confront this growing problem. If you need support related to a domestic violence situation, please reach out to Jill Brown, Associate Director of People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) or Virginia Galdieri, AVP of People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD).
Below is a link to the NJ Domestic Violence Policy.
Reference and criminal background checks will be conducted for all new hires of regular faculty, staff and adjuncts and for other hires at the discretion of the College. Highest degree status will be verified in each case when a degree is a requirement of the job. Information that is falsely reported may be cause for withdrawal of an offer of employment and/or cause for termination of employment.
Use of College vehicles must be approved by immediate supervisors and must be used for business purposes only. While driving College owned vehicles, employees are expected to observe all motor vehicle laws. This includes observing the speed limit and wearing seat belts. Conviction of a moving violation or negligence resulting in damage to College property while operating a state vehicle may result in disciplinary action. Anyone using a college vehicle must have a driver’s license valid in the state of New Jersey. Drivers are required to abide by the provisions in the Motor Vehicle Policy at the following link: https://www.ramapo.edu/policies/policy/motor-vehicle/
Employees are expected to maintain their personal appearance and to wear clothing appropriate to their positions and are encouraged to avoid extremes. Personal hygiene must be maintained. Appropriate protective clothing or equipment must be used at all times by individuals performing specific maintenance duties and any injuries or illness occurring as a result of not wearing College-issued protective gear may not be compensable.
“Confidential” information is intended for the sole use of person or persons to whom it is directed. If you are an intended recipient of this information, the dissemination, distribution, copying or use of the information or its contents is strictly prohibited. Violations of this procedure may lead to corrective action up to and including termination of employment.
The College has a recycling program including paper, glass, plastic and aluminum cans. Faculty and staff are asked to cooperate in this effort. Receptacles are available throughout the College for this purpose. Additional details can be obtained by calling Facilities, extension 7663.
Because of the potential disruption of visitors (both children and adults) who do not have College related business, we request that employees do not have extended visits with their children, family members or acquaintances while on the job. In addition, for both health and safety reasons, pets cannot be accommodated on campus (except for aides to persons with disabilities) unless a Pet Walking Authorization Form has been completed and authorized. Details are available in the Public Safety Office, extension 7432.
New Jersey law does not allow distribution of any type of election campaign materials in State buildings on State time. Additionally, union contracts prohibit the posting of anything constituting election campaign material on union bulletin boards. Violators are subject to disciplinary action.
In an effort to provide a safe and productive environment conducive to academic and administrative pursuits, Ramapo College of New Jersey may require employees to submit to a “fitness for duty” evaluation if there is reason to believe the individual may not be able to perform the duties of the position. Such an evaluation may be conducted if the employee
The full text of the policy is available on the People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD) web page, Fitness for Duty.
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