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Tuition Waiver / Reduction for Employees and Special Populations

Section Title:Administration and Finance
Policy Number:420
Policy Name:Tuition Waiver / Reduction for Employees and Special Populations
Approval Authority:Board of Trustees
College Policy Executive:Chief Planning Officer
Responsible Executive:Vice President for Administration and Finance
Responsible Unit:Bursar and Human Resources
Date Adopted:October 28, 1986
Date Revised:June 7, 1995; June 11, 1997; October 28, 1998; December 18, 2000; February 20, 2002; December 3, 2003; June 22, 2006; October 22, 2010; January 14, 2013; October 2013; January 2014; October 2018



Ramapo College may waive or reduce tuition through either Presidential Authority or through tuition reduction / waiver policy.

Reason for Policy

To provide exception to Board of Trustees approved tuition and fees schedule as applicable.

To Whom Does The Policy Apply

Ramapo College employees and special populations

Related Documents



Office of Student Accounts
(201) 684-7495

People Operations and Employee Resources
(201) 684-7506



 Ramapo College employees may be eligible to apply for tuition remission for approved undergraduate and graduate courses at Ramapo College providing that tuition paying students constitute the minimum number required for the course. The College provides this program to foster the professional development of employees and reserves the right to suspend the benefit at its discretion.

Criteria and Eligibility

  1. The employee must have a minimum of one year of service.
  2. The employee must be actively employed (i.e., providing services or on approved leave including vacation/personal time) for at least half of the time that the course is in session.  This does not apply to employees who retire during the semester.
  3. If an employee retires from an eligible position, the employee will be eligible to complete the first baccalaureate or first graduate degree within a five-year period.
  4. Tuition only will be waived.  Tuition costs will be reduced by other funding sources available through financial aid, including state grants, institutional scholarships, and external scholarships.  Loans are excluded.  Financial aid will be applied to the tuition portion of the bill — not to exceed the actual cost of tuition. All other fees and costs are the responsibility of the employee.
  5. Employees will be subject to the imposition of hold flags, late fees, and deregistration when the fees associated with registration are not paid by the payment deadline published by the Office of Student Accounts.
  6. The employee’s participation is for the purpose of professional development and/or to improve professional skills mutually beneficial to the College and to the individual.
  7. Full-time non-American Federation of Teachers (AFT) employees are eligible for no more than twenty-four credits waived in a fiscal year,
  8. Full-time AFT employees are eligible for no more than twelve credits waived in a fiscal year.
  9. Part-time non-AFT employees in budgeted positions working at least half-time are eligible for no more than twelve credits waived in each fiscal year.
  10. Employees in ten month positions are eligible for no more than 20 total credits waived in each fiscal year.
  11. Generally courses must be taken on the employee’s own time. With approval of the immediate supervisor, unit head and division head, one course per regular semester or one on-line course may be approved during normal work hours with the time to be made up within the same pay period.  Employees seeking such approval must complete “Tuition Waiver Addendum 1” which is included on the Tuition Waiver form.
  12. Temporary employees are not eligible to participate in this program.
  13. Eligible employees shall be subject to all college requirements with respect to admission and enrollment, academic standing, and satisfactory progress to remain eligible for the tuition waiver benefit.
  14. Any false statement, misrepresentation or factual error when applying for a tuition waiver, any violation of any provision of the rules, requirements, procedures and/or regulations of the program/College may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Employees, who are eligible to receive a tuition waiver, agree that if they are found to have violated any provision of the program or the rules and regulations of the College they will:

a. repay any tuition waived had such event not occurred; and

b. forfeit the right to receive any future tuition waivers.

Graduate Programs

Tuition waivers for employees for the College’s graduate programs will be available when the programs have economic viability, as determined by the respective Dean. Employees interested in a College graduate program must apply and be accepted to the program prior to applying for tuition a waiver.


To receive or continue to receive benefits:

  1. The employee must register for classes.
  2. The employee must complete the appropriate employee tuition waiver form and obtain all required approvals for every term they are seeking the waiver.
  3. The employee must bring the completed tuition waiver form to the People Operations and Employee Resources Department for processing.
  4. The People Operations and Employee Resources Department will review the waiver and if approved, will forward the approval to the Office of Student Accounts and the Office of Financial Aid for the waiver to be processed.
  5. The employee must inform the People Operations and Employee Resources Department if they withdraw from a class.
  6. The employee must receive a grade of “C” or better or a “P” in each course or will be responsible for the cost of the course.
  7. The employee must remain in good academic standing, according to the Academic Standing Policy, during participation in the program.   If the employee is not in good academic standing and no longer eligible for the Program, she/he will be readmitted to the program immediately upon regaining acceptable academic standing (Academic Standing Policy).

Auditing a Class

Faculty and staff may audit regularly scheduled courses at Ramapo College and receive a waiver of tuition provided that (1) course caps permit and (2) that tuition paying students constitute the minimum number required for the course.

To receive this benefit, employees must follow the applicable Criteria and Eligibility, and Procedures above.  Employees must complete an Auditing Tuition Waiver form.

Audited credits are included in the total number of credits eligible for waiver in a fiscal year.

Employees are responsible for the cost of tuition related fees and any course related fees required for a specific course or program, i.e. cost of equipment, materials, textbooks and laboratory or equipment usage fees.


Ramapo College employees who have retired from the College may attend/audit regularly scheduled courses and receive a waiver of tuition (all fees and other charges are the responsibility of the student) through Friends of Ramapo or through the Senior Citizens program (if applicable) described in this policy.


 The president is authorized to reduce or waive the undergraduate tuition surcharge for out of state and international students.

International students approved for this program will be charged the in-state rate; this benefit is only for undergraduate courses. The total number of international students eligible to participate is not to exceed 1% of the College’s full-time undergraduate enrollment each term. Each student must:

  1. Apply to the Office of International Student and Scholar Services
  2. Be in compliance with U.S. Immigration Regulations
  3. Be in F1 Student status for 9 months prior to acceptance into the tuition reduction program
  4. Maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA
  5. Conform to eligibility requirements on a semester by semester basis

All other international students with an F1 visa code will be charged the out-of-state tuition rate, even if the student has an in-state address at the time of enrollment unless parent or legal guardian domicile in the state pursuant to N.J.S.A. 9A:5-1.1 &1.2 and 9A:9-2.6.

The Primary Designated School Official (PDSO) in the Office of International Student and Scholar Services will inform the Office of Student Accounts of each student’s eligibility to participate in the program on a semester by semester basis. The Office of Student Accounts will make the appropriate adjustments to the student’s account.


 As enumerated in N.J.S.A. 18A:62-3, any New Jersey resident age 65 or over may attend regularly scheduled undergraduate courses at Ramapo College and receive a waiver of tuition (all fees and other charges are the responsibility of the student) provided that available seats permit and that tuition paying students constitute the minimum number required for the course.  Information regarding this program can be found in the Registrar’s Office.


 As enumerated in N.J.S.A. 18A:64-13.1 and N.J.S.A. 18A: 64-23.1, certain unemployed persons may attend Ramapo College and receive a waiver of tuition provided that available seats permit and that tuition paying students constitute the minimum number required for the course. Participants must satisfy any prerequisites before taking any particular course.

Individuals are responsible for an application fee, the cost of equipment, materials, textbooks and laboratory or equipment usage fees required for a specific course or program, as well as fees which are dedicated to self-sustaining funds, such as parking charges, room and board, and other optional user fees.

General fees assessed to support teaching and learning, such as library or technology fees, capital improvement fee, or those fees assessed to support purposes or functions not directly related to teaching and learning such as recreation centers, student organizations, career placement services, or athletic fees shall be waived.


To receive and continue to receive benefits, student must:

  1. Be matriculated and be in good academic standing.
  2. Obtain a signed Tuition Waiver Certificate from the Division of Employment Services (see verification of unemployed status below).
  3. File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year.Graduate students and students pursuing a second bachelor’s degree are exempt.
  4. Complete the Request for Unemployment Tuition Waiver Form (Waiver Form) available in the Office of Student Accounts and submit with theTuition Wavier Certificate to the Office of Student Accounts prior to registration.
  5. Enroll during the priority registration established for the semester (cannot be signed into a course).

Verification of Unemployed Status

In order to qualify for the program, an applicant must satisfy requirements 1 and 3, or 2 and 3 below:

  1. Currently unemployed; or
  2. In receipt of a lay-off notice as a result of a factory or plant closing;
  3. A member of the labor market for at least two years.

A member of the labor market is defined within the regulations as either full-time employment, the active pursuit of full-time employment, or a combination thereof. Such status over a two-year period must be verified by the following two methods:

  1. Signed statement by the individual pursuant to N.J.A.C.9:5-2.1(a) verifying his or her present unemployed status; and
  2. Recognition of unemployed status by the New Jersey Department of Labor, Division of Employment Services (DES).


 Under New Jersey Statute N.J.S.18A:62-24, any member of the New Jersey National Guard shall be permitted to attend regularly scheduled courses at Ramapo College and receive up to 15 credits per semester tuition free (all fees and other charges are the responsibility of the student) provided that the member has completed Initial Active Duty Training and is in good standing as an active member of the New Jersey National Guard. Inactive members will not be eligible for tuition-free courses and may have their waiver revoked if they rescind their commitment to the New Jersey National Guard during any specific semester.

Students must submit the “Commander’s Certification” from their New Jersey National Guard unit at the beginning of each semester.

Any child or surviving spouse of a member of the New Jersey National Guard who completed Initial Active Duty Training and was killed in the performance of his/her duties while on active duty, or who completed Initial Active Duty Training and was killed in the performance of his/her duties while a member of the New Jersey National Guard, shall be permitted to attend regularly scheduled courses at Ramapo College as enumerated in N.J.S. 18A:62-25 and receive up to 15 credits per semester tuition-free. To receive and continue benefits, the member, child, and/or spouse must:

  1. Be matriculated and be in good academic standing.
  2. File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year.  Graduate students and students pursuing a second bachelor’s degree are exempt.
  3. Complete a New Jersey National Guard Tuition Free Program Application Form found in the Financial Aid Office.

Eligible classes are those which have space available and where tuition paying students constitute the minimum number required for the course.


A dependent child or surviving spouse of a New Jersey resident killed in the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, or who died as a result of injuries received in the attacks, or who are missing and officially presumed dead as a direct result of the attacks are entitled to waiver of tuition

and fees. The benefit is limited to a period of eight years from the date of death for a surviving spouse, and is limited to eight years following graduation from high school for a dependent child.


To receive or continue to receive benefits, dependents must:

  1. Be matriculated and be in good academic standing.
  2. Provide death certificate of deceased victim.
  3. Provide high school diploma of dependent.
  4. Complete a New Jersey World Trade Center Scholarship Fund (18A:71B-23.1) application and forward to the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, P. O. Box 540, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0540 (available in the Office of Student Accounts).