The Institutional Policy Committee (IPC) is charged with advancing the cyclical development, review, revision, rescission, and distribution of all Board and Senior Leadership Team policies.
The Committee develops and carries out a process for creating new and amending existing College policies and administrative procedures.
This review may include additions, modifications, or rescissions of policies and procedures. The Committee also communicates the process to the College, standardizes language and style across policies, and maintains a history of policy actions.
Policies Under Review: Share feedback with or any Policy Committee member
Policies currently under review that are now being stewarded by the Policy Committee are noted below:
- NEW: Policy & Procedure 301 Research Misconduct
- Policy and Procedure 301 seek to communicate the standards expected of faculty, staff, administrators, and academic professionals who participate in sponsored research at or for the College. It describes the process followed in those instances in which research misconduct is suspected to have occurred.
- Proposed New Policy and Procedure 301: Research Misconduct (pdf)
- Public comment on the new Policy and Procedure 220 will be accepted from January 24 to February 10.
- NEW: Policy 220 Grants & Sponsored Programs Compliance
- Policy and Procedure 220 seek to ensure that the proper controls and procedures are in place for the College to effectively compete for and steward a range of public and private grants. The Policy also obligates the College to annually review its newly established Grants & Sponsored Programs Manual.
- Proposed New Policy and Procedure 220: Grants & Sponsored Programs Compliance (pdf)
- Public Comment on the new Policy and Procedure 220 and the Manual will be accepted from January 24 to February 10.
- Proposed Revisions: Policy 407 Gifts and Private/non-governmental Grants (formerly “Fundraising Gifts and Grants”)
- Proposed Revisions: Policy 204 Ramapo College Foundation
- Revisions to Policy & Procedure 204 seek to update nomenclature, clarify the Foundation’s governance and relationship to the College, and denote its primary focus is to secure philanthropic contributions and primarily private/non-governmental grants in support of the College mission and strategic goals.
- Current Policy & Procedure 204 (url)
- Proposed Revised Policy & Procedure 204 (pdf)
- Public Comment on the proposed revisions to Policy and Procedure 204 will be accepted from January 24 to February 10.
- Proposed Revisions: Policy 317 Academic Freedom
The Academic Policy Council (APC) initated and endorsed revisions to Policy 317 on September 26, 2024 to include:
identified the importance of an academic foundation for faculty speech and a responsibility to work toward providing the best education for students;
identified Academic Freedom as distinct from Freedom of Speech; and
identified the intersections of Academic Freedom with New Jersey Administrative Code 9A, the AFT Memorandum of Agreement, and the New Jersey State Policy Prohibiting Discrimination.
Informal input on the September 26 revisions was provided at the
Faculty Assembly Meeting on October 9 and received by the APC subcommittee thru to October 23. That input was then shared with the Provost who advanced it to the Institutional Policy Committee (IPC) on October 25.
At its meeting on October 28, the IPC reviewed the input and advanced additional revisions to the Mission Element Team (MET) to include:
opening the policy with language that aims to make clear the value and importance of Academic Freedom at Ramapo;
further specified to whom the policy applies;
footnoted the term “citizen” from Code 9A in hopes of mitigating ambiguity around its potential connotation as exclusionary; and
made more clear the connection between the right of Academic Freedom and the responsibility associated with it.
The MET reviewed the revised policy on November 6 and later endorsed it to move forward for formal public comment.
- Current Policy 317: Academic Freedom
- Proposed Revised Policy 317: Academic Freedom (Nov. 2024)
- Public Comment on the proposed revisions to Policy 317 were accepted from November 27 to December 20, 2024. The policy remains under review.
- NEW Policy and Procedure 645: Music Rights and Usage in Advertising & Promotion
- This new policy and procedure has been drafted to ensure members of the College are in compliance with musical composition copyright and licensing usage rights when using music in marketing, communications, promotions, social media, website, advertising, and other media.
- Public comment on this proposed policy and procedure closed on January 20, 2023. The policy remains under review.
Policy Actions in 2024-2025
- Policy 624: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 479: Cash Handling
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 606: Cell Phone Allowance
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 631: Student Expressive Activity (formerly housed in the Student Handbook as Student Dissent/Disruption of College Functions)
- This policy and procedure was substantively revised, renamed, and codified to be included in the Policy Library. The revisions define key terms such as “expressive activity” and “time, place, and manner”; request persons interested in conducting expressive activities to consult with the Dean for Students; provide guidelines for consideration and authorize directives that serve to address the reservation and occupation of spaces, disruption, safety, and advertising related to expressive activity; make clear how the policy intersects with the College’s Student Code of Conduct; and note the College’s stance to remain content-neutral. In addition, revisions describe enforcement of and violations of the policy and/or related Code of Conduct standards as well as compliance with the law.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved in November 2024.
- Policy 406: Deposits & Retainage Accounts
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 408: Disbursement
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 626: Fixed Assets
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 403: Investment
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 612: Purchasing Card
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 417: Reserves
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 419: Risk Management
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 643: Strategic Priority Incentive Funding & Capital Budget Requests
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles, nomenclature, and policy responsibility.
- Policy 625: Write Off Uncollectible Student Accounts
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 476: Memorial
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 403: Investment
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 441: Fiscal Emergency
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 409: Emergency Contracts
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 611: Closing of College
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles, policy responsibility, related resources, and nomenclature.
- Policy & Procedure 634: Missing Student
- Revisions to this policy and procedure primarily capture Clery Act language relevant to Confidential Contacts and responsibilities of the institution in the event of a missing student.
- Following public comment, this revised policy was approved in July 2024.
- Policy & Procedure 641: Motor Vehicle
- Revisions to this policy and procedure focus on implementing a fuel card operation, managing driver abstracts, appropriate use of fleet vehicles, and removing outdated references to student drivers.
- Following public comment, this revised policy was approved in July 2024.
- Policy & Procedure 228: Emergency Notification
- This policy was renamed Emergency/Non-Emergency Notification, & Timely Warning. Revisions included the outlining of various types of Emergency Notifications; Non-emergency Notifications; Timely Information Relevant to Compliance, Substantive Concerns, and/or Non Life-Threatening Situations; and Timely Warnings. Revisions also defined the various notification system options, and the responsible use, authority and responsibility for such systems.
- This revised policy was approved in July 2024.
- Policy & Procedure 640: Broadcast E-mail and Voicemail
- This policy was renamed Mass Communications. Revisions included how mass communications are defined, access to and responsibility for mass communication tools and governance of related distribution lists, as well as controls for their proper use.
- Following public comment, this revised policy was approved in July 2024.
Policy Actions in 2023-2024
- Codification of Policy & Procedure 211: Sexual Misconduct
- The College’s Sexual Misconduct Resources (“policy and procedures”) were in place for many years but had not been formalized as institutional policy for inclusion among Board Policies and within the Policy Library.
- This policy was codified by the Board of Trustees in April 2024.
- Policy & Procedure 405: Lightning Detection
- This new policy and procedure facilitate the proper use, oversight, testing, and maintenance of the College’s lightning detection system.
- Following public comment, this policy was approved in April 2024.
- Policy 316: Honorary Degrees
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college nomenclature and clarified reference to institutional values.
- Policy and Procedure 460: Padovano Commons Usage
- The purpose of this new policy is to clarify the purpose of the Padovano Commons and formalize into policy current practices regarding its usage. The procedure describes the hours of operation, reserved use, prioritization of use, notice of use, and space configuration for the Padovano Commons.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved in November 2023.
- Policy 609: Social Media
- Revisions to this policy clarify social media account types and the responsibilities for the stewardship of accounts.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved in October 2023.
- Policy 466: Flexible Work Arrangement
- Revisions to this policy renamed the policy to Alternate Work Arrangement, defined the types of arrangements that may be available to employees, and provided procedural clarity on such arrangements.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved in October 2023.
- Policy 425: Drug Free Workplace
- Revisions to this policy and procedure address cannabis, revise language regarding the consumption of alcohol, clarify and update processes related to impairment, update language relevant to substance use disorder, and update available resources.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved by the Board of Trustees in October 2023.
- Policy 225: College Founders
- Revisions to this policy honor the purpose of Founders’ Day, expand upon the audiences it may involve, and provide the College with greater flexibility by removing language that limits how and when the College’s founding is celebrated.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved by the Board of Trustees in October 2023.
- Policy and Procedure 475: Tuition Waiver Program for Spouses, Domestic Partners, and Dependent Children of Full-Time Faculty and Staff
- Revisions to this policy and procedure expand eligibility for a tuition waiver by stipulating one calendar year of RCNJ service or NJ State service at the time of application, and by including faculty in full-time lecturer lines as eligible employees; established that a prorated amount will be due if an employee leaves during the semester, not the full amount; and clarifies that a tuition waiver is applied up to the maximum total number of credits needed to graduate as opposed to limiting it to 8 semesters.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved by the President’s Senior Leadership Team in July 2023.
- Policy and Procedure 201: Appointment of Academic Deans
- Revisions to this policy and procedure changed the length of eligible appointments/terms, removed language regarding job responsibilities, placed limits on the length of administrative leaves, and clarified the rate of compensation while on administrative leave.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved by the President’s Senior Leadership Team in July 2023.
- Policy and Procedure 615: Professional Leaves for Managerial / Professional Staff / Non-Aligned Non-AFT
- Revisions to this policy and procedure capture eligibility for professional leaves, adjust the years of service for eligibilty for a leave from 6 to 5 years, clarify the rate of compensation while on administrative leave, refine the leave request process, and outline the approvals process and expectations of the employee post-leave.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved by the President’s Senior Leadership Team in July 2023.
Policy Actions in 2022-2023
- Policy and Procedure 215: Recruitment, Selection, and Employment
- Revisions to this policy and procedure provide the College with greater agility in searching and recruiting talented employees; make the deployment of a full search committee optional for positions that are classified below level 24, and maintain the College’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved by the Board in June 2023.
- Policy and Procedure 616: Special Projects and Payments (previously Extra Compensation for Special Projects)
- Revisions to this policy and procedure updated nomenclature and refined categories and criteria for special payment work and approval processes.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved by the President’s Senior Leadership Team in May 2023.
- NEW DRAFT Policy and Procedure 482: Prizes, Awards and Gifts
- The purpose of this new policy is to outline the responsibilities, restrictions, and requirements associated with the issuance and receipt of prizes, awards, and gifts to students and employees.
- Public comment on this new policy closed on June 23, 2022. This new policy and procedure were formally tabled by the Responsible Executive in May 2023.
- Policy and Procedure 203: Capital Improvements to the Havemeyer House
- Effective July 1, 2021 the Havemeyer House stopped serving as the residence of the College President, as a result, this policy and procedure was recommended for rescission.
- This policy was rescinded by the Board in January 2023.
- Policy and Procedure 635: Campus Surveys/Survey Development and Implementation
- Revisions to this policy and procedure updated college titles and nomenclature, clarified the purpose of the policy, and outlined the responsibilities associated with the coordination of surveys and management of survey data.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved by the President’s Senior Leadership Team in January 2023.
- Policy and Procedure 481: Graduate Assistants
- Revisions to this procedure added language regarding taxable income on tution remission, updated payment terms to include the preparation of an Accounts Payable voucher, and provided direction on the posting of remission to the student account and disbursement of financial aid awards.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved by the President’s Senior Leadership Team in January 2023.
- Policy 401: Authorized Signatories
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy 404: Contract Authorizations
- Non-substantive revisions to this policy updated college titles and nomenclature.
- Policy and Procedure 641: Motor Vehicle
- Revisions to this policy and procedure primarily clarified eligibility criteria for employees operating College vehicles, outlined responsibilities of drivers and their direct supervisors, and identified People Operations and Employee Resources and the College’s Risk Manager in Business Services as the entities through which any infractions are reported. In addition, Student Shuttle Driving Procedures were added as an appendix.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved by the President’s Senior Leadership Team in August 2022.
- Policy and Procedure 642: Space Management and Allocation
- Revisions to this policy and procedure focused largely on the membership and governance of the Space Management and Allocation Advisory Committee.
- Following public comment, the revised policy was approved by the President’s Senior Leadership Team in July 2022.
Policies Approved in 2021-2022
- Policy and Procedure 649: Financial Conflict of Interest – Sponsored Research
- Establishment of this policy was directed by the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs. The policy establishes standards that ensure that design, conduct, and reporting of research performed at the College will be free from bias resulting from financial conflicts of interest.
- The policy was approved by the Cabinet on June 7, 2022.
- Policy and Procedure 205: President’s Temporary Absence/Emergency Succession
- Revisions to this policy and procedure were initiated by the Office of the President. The revisions amended procedures associated with unplanned absences of the President.
- The Policy was approved by the Board of Trustees on April 25, 2022 for an effective date of July 1, 2022.
- NEW Policy and Procedure 644: Bias Incident Response Policy
- Following the work of the Goal 2 Task Force, this new P&P was developed by the Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Compliance. The policy serves to outline the manner in which the College responds to bias incident reports.
- Policy and Procedure 644 was approved by the Cabinet on February 9, 2022.
- Policy and Procedure 318: Emeritus
- Revisions to this policy and procedure were initiated by the Office of Employee Relations. Significant revisions add terms of revocation, add criteria for administrator emeritus, revise criteria for faculty emeritus, and add a process for recommending emeritus rank for retiring Presidents.
- Policy and Procedure 318 was approved by the Cabinet on February 9, 2022
- Policy and Procedure 646: Managers and Staff Teaching Courses
- Following a review of Policy 300HH Overload, this new P&P was initiated by Human Resources. It serves to outline the manner in which managers and staff whose job responsibilities do not include teaching may teach courses.
- Policy and Procedure 646 was approved by the Cabinet on February 9, 2022.
- Policy and Procedure 612: Purchasing Card
- Revisions to this P&P were initiated by Business Services in partnership with Internal Audit. The more significant revisions amended the procedures to refer, rather than to an exhaustive list of protocols, to the Purchasing Card Manual. Revisions in the Manual primarily served to strengthen controls and narrow the scope of Purchasing Card activity.
- Policy and Procedure 612 was approved by the Cabinet on February 9, 2022.
- Policy and Procedure 480: Budget Savings Incentive
- Revisions to this policy and procedure were initiated by the Budget Office. Significant revisions amend the percent of sharing, and refine the uses, approvals, and limitations of the funds.
- Policy and Procedure 480 was approved by the Cabinet on February 9, 2022.
- Policy and Procedure 223: College Policies
- Revisions primarily clarified and revised the responsibilities of policy management, development, and review.
- Policy and Procedure 223 was approved by the Board of Trustees in September 2021.
- Policy and Procedure 481: Graduate Assistants
- Policy and Procedure 481 has been established to advance standards for the awarding and administration of graduate assistantships. The procedure outlines categories of, requirements for, and compensation and benefits of graduate assistantships. In addition, employment requirements, hiring processes, code of conduct, and a standard contract for Graduate Assistants is described.
- Policy and Procedure 481 was approved by the Cabinet on June 30, 2021.
- Policy and Procedure 215: Recruitment, Selection and Employment
- Upon review of the policy and procedure, several revisions were avanced including but not limited to: including the role of the Talent Acquisition & Onboarding Coordinator (TAOC) position, consolidating waiver categories, identifying TAOC and/or the Hiring Manager as responsible for reference checking, streamlining all offers of employment so they are made by Human Resources with an option for the hiring manager to sit in on the discussion; advancing a closing date for all positions; and formalizing the process by which the Equal Employment Affirmative Action Officer (EEAAO) approves the proposed committee membership and the overall applicant pool.
- Policy and Procedure 215 was approved by the Board of Trustees in April 2021.