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Please select your role at Ramapo College, New Staff, New Faculty, New Adjunct, New Part – Time Hourly Employee/Coach or Volunteer / Ramapo Affiliate. The information will help your New Hire / New Affiliation process move along smoothly.
Comparison of Prescription Plans
The State Employee Tax Savings Program, Tax$ave, lets you set aside before-tax dollars to pay certain medical, dental, and dependent care costs, which helps you avoid federal taxes and save money.
See our fact sheet Tax$ave for details about eligibility and the benefits under its component plans.
You must enroll in a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) each year in order to participate. Horizon will be handling FSA Enrollment for the NJDPB for Plan Year 2022. Contact information and enrollment instructions can be found below.
You may contact Horizon MyWay customer service toll-free at 1-888-215-0025.
2022 Tax$ave Publications
Horizon MyWay FSA Enrollment Form or enroll online.
Horizon MyWay Change In Status Form
Tax$ave Open Enrollment Newsletter
Flexible Spending Account Quick Reference Guide
Flexible Spending Account Essential Guide
COBRA Continuation Coverage Notice
Paper applications can be printed and mailed or faxed to the address/number provided on the form.
Commuter Tax$ave
The New Jersey State Employees Commuter Tax Savings Program, Commuter Tax$ave, lets you set aside before-tax dollars to pay for mass transit and commuter parking expenses, so you can avoid federal taxes and save money.
See Links for enrollment and additional information
Enroll: Commuter Tax$ave
Fact Sheet: Commuter Tax$ave
Contact Number: 1-866-512-8769
Section 125 Plans for Local Employers
The Tax$ave Program is only available to eligible State employees.
Local government and local education employers are required to offer Section 125 plans to their employees; however, local employers must have their own Section 125 programs. Local employees should contact their benefits administrator to learn about the specific plans and benefits that are available.
Declination of POP
Enrollment in the Premium Option Plan (POP) is automatic unless you submit a Declination of Premium Option Plan form.
By declining POP you choose to pay more in taxes. To decline enrollment in this tax-saving plan, use the form for State Employees or for State College Employees
Please see the Benefits Office before selecting Pension Plan.
Unclassified Staff (Managers, Aft Professional Staff & Faculty)
Ramapo College Performing & Visual Arts
Dining Near Me (Click on Menu – upper right corner)
Using Ramapo Self Service please update emergency contacts information and sign up for Alert Me Now using the instructed steps for Staff/Faculty.
Ramapo’s AFT website: http://ramapoaft.org/
Membership Page: http://ramapoaft.org/membership.html
Contact Info: Jude Pernot – judepernot@ramapoaft.org
CWA New Jersey website: https://cwanj.org/
Contact Info: Virginia Bonnett – vbonnett@ramapo.edu
(201) 684-7215
ASB 017
IFPTE New Jersey website: https://www.local195.org/
Contact Info: John Thompson – jthompso@ramapo.edu
Benefits Telephone: (201) 684-7230 / (201) 684-7502
Employee Services and Records: (201) 684-7781
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