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Motor Vehicle

Section Title:Administrative
Policy Number:641
Policy Name:Motor Vehicle
Approval Authority:President's Senior Leadership Team
Responsible Executive:Vice President with oversight of People Operations & Employee Resources
Responsible Unit:People Operations & Employee Resources
Date Adopted:February 18, 2015
Date Revised:August 17, 2022, July 2024



The College maintains a fleet of motor vehicles to support the transportation needs of the College community. The Motor Vehicle Policy sets forth the requirements for the use of College owned, leased, or rented vehicles, including golf carts and any other motorized vehicles, by a College employee while on official College business. College employees include full and part time faculty and staff, whether compensated or not, who are authorized to perform any act or service within their scope of employment. Students are not authorized to operate College owned, leased or rented vehicles unless they are acting as employees within the scope of job responsibilities and on official College business. 

The Motor Vehicle Procedures set forth terms and conditions under which vehicles used for official College business must be operated. The College reserves the right to deny or revoke the driving privileges of any driver who does not meet or follow the requirements of this policy and procedures.

Reason for Policy

To ensure the safety of drivers, passengers, members of the College community and the public, to responsibly use and care for public property, and to minimize losses, damages, and claims against the College.

To Whom Does the Policy Apply

All employees, officers and servants to whom the College grants the privilege to operate a motor vehicle for official College business.

Related Resources


People Operations & Employee Resources

Procedure 641

Revised: August 17, 2022; August 2024

These Motor Vehicle Procedures address the circumstances under which employees may be approved to drive College vehicles.  For the purposes of these procedures, College vehicles refer to all motorized vehicles, including mechanical equipment, golf carts, and shuttle buses owned, leased or rented by the College.

I. Eligibility

 Employees authorized to drive College owned, leased, or rented vehicles must comply with the following:

  1. Drivers must be at least eighteen (18) years of age
  2. Possess a current U.S. driver’s license
  3. Complete a People Operations & Employee Resources (POER) approved Defensive Driving Course

Employees whose driving license is currently suspended, revoked or expired will not be permitted to drive on campus.

 II. Verification of Driving Record

Prospective employees who will drive a College vehicle will undergo a pre-employment Motor Vehicle driver license check for restrictions, suspension, revocation of driving privileges, and a safe driving history.  In the event the driving history is found to show a restriction, suspension, or a significant history of unsafe driving, POER will contact the employee and the Unit Manager to discuss next steps.

Current employees who drive College vehicles will also undergo an annual Motor Vehicle driver license check to verify that their license remains in good standing.  A more frequent license check may occur based on need and with justification at the College’s discretion.

Employees who operate College vehicles will receive a Driver’s License Abstract Release Form from POER on an annual basis. Employees must complete the form and return it to POER with a copy of the front and the back and the applicant’s driver’s license no later than two weeks after receipt.

In the event the driving history is found to show a restriction, suspension or a significant history of unsafe driving, POER will contact the employee to discuss next steps.  If driving is a part of their overall driving responsibilities, POER will discuss with the employee’s immediate supervisor how modification of their driving responsibilities may be handled.

The College reserves the right and has the authority to modify driving assignments based on initial or subsequent review of motor vehicle records.

The College reserves the right and has the authority to deny, suspend, or revoke the employee’s driving privileges of a College owned, leased, or rented vehicle, or the employee’s use of his/her own personal vehicle for College business, based on the initial or subsequent review of motor vehicle records.

A POER representative will review an employee’s driving history taking the totality of events into consideration.  Unfavorable information will be measured against the job responsibilities involved, the seriousness of the violations, as well as when the violations occurred. Consideration will be given to the nature of the violation, if the event took place on or off duty and if the employee disclosed the violation or event in a timely manner.

The College reserves the right, at its sole discretion to suspend driving privileges for accumulation of points or convictions of certain offenses. Prospective employees, whose positions require a valid driver’s license as an essential function of the job, may be offered a position contingent upon review of motor vehicle records.  In the event the driving history is found to be unacceptable, POER will contact the prospective employee to discuss next steps.

III. Reinstatement of Driving Privileges

Employees driving privileges may be reinstated at the time the eligibility violations referenced above or any other reasons for restriction are no longer outstanding.

At the time these violations are no longer outstanding, the employee should consult with POER for reconsideration, and a new driver’s license abstract will be processed for review.  Before driving privileges are restored, employees must also successfully complete a defensive driving course.  Employees must also inform POER of any driving infractions thereafter.  POER reserves the right to not reinstate driving privileges to any member of the College community. An employee’s driving privileges will not be unreasonably withheld.

IV. Defensive Driving Training

All College employees who operate or are assigned a College owned, leased or rented vehicle as a requirement of their job, must meet eligibility requirements and must successfully complete a defensive driving training course.  Upon hire, a certificate of completion from an approved vendor within the last three years must be presented to POER in order to satisfy this requirement and every three (3) years thereafter before receiving approval to drive a College owned, leased or rented vehicle.

Defensive Driving Training is provided via an online driving program.  POER manages the training through a third-party provider, The National Safety Council, which provides defensive driver training and is certified by the State of New Jersey.

Employees may take a defensive driving course with an outside provider approved by the State of New Jersey.  A list of approved providers can be found on the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission website or by contacting Environmental Health and Safety.  The employee is responsible for any costs and fees.  A certificate of completion within the last three years from an approved vendor must be presented to POER in order to satisfy this requirement.

V. Driver/Direct Supervisor Responsibility

Drivers are required to report any change in license status (restrictions, suspensions, or revocations) to POER and their direct supervisor immediately.  Failure to do so may result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination.

If injury, medical condition, or medications prohibit driving, the driver must notify their supervisor immediately.  The direct supervisor must share this information with POER and the College’s Risk Manager in Business Services.

Only eligible employees defined above with proper authorization may operate a motor vehicle for official College business and within the scope of the employee’s employment.

Employees authorized to drive must comply with the following requirements when operating a college owned, leased or rented vehicle:

  1. Observe all applicable federal, state, and local motor vehicle laws, ordinances and regulations.
  2. Promptly submit legible copies of any tickets or other citations received when operating a vehicle while conducting College business to a direct supervisor. Drivers assume responsibility for payment of any traffic violations, citations or parking fines received.
  3. Only authorized drivers may drive a College vehicle. Drivers for whom vehicles have been signed out or rented are not authorized to delegate driving responsibilities to other drivers except in an emergency and only when the delegated driver has been authorized and certified to drive a College vehicle.
  4. Consuming or being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any substance that may cause impairment in a College vehicle is strictly prohibited. Violation of this provision will be grounds for immediate termination of driving privileges and other disciplinary actions.
  5. Under non-emergency conditions, drivers must park a College vehicle legally with engine off and doors locked when the vehicle is left unattended.
  6. Only individuals affiliated with the College, i.e., faculty, staff, students, or invited guests are to be transported in a College vehicle. All passengers must be participating in official College business or a College event. 
  7. Personal use of College vehicles is strictly prohibited. College vehicles should leave College premises only for the purposes of conducting College business. College vehicles should never be driven to a personal residence nor should they be used to complete personal errands such as shopping. College vehicles should not be used to get or pick-up meals unless the meal is part of official College business or part of a College event, or unless stopping to get a meal is ancillary to College-sanctioned travel and necessary to the health and well-being of the traveler given the time of day and length of required travel. For example, stopping to get a meal when using a College vehicle for a College-related business purpose, such as a meeting, conference, or athletic event that requires an hour or more of travel or for which the event will extend for several hours, would be authorized, but stopping to get a meal when driving a College vehicle locally to refuel or pick-up supplies from hardware store would not be authorized.
  8. Seat belts are to be worn by the driver and all passengers at all times the vehicle is in operation.
  9. Driver is prohibited from using a hand-held cell phone or other mobile devices or texting while driving in accordance with New Jersey and other applicable state motor vehicle laws, except when making an emergency voice call to Public Safety or 911 for situations such as traffic accident, fire, medical emergency, severe road hazard, etc. In such cases, drivers should pull off the road prior to initiating the call.
  10. Driver must report any vehicle accident, citation or unforeseen event to the direct supervisor immediately. The direct supervisor shall share the information with POER and the College’s Risk Manager in Business Services. Failure to report accidents or incidents may result in the loss of driving privileges and other disciplinary actions.
  11. Use of earbuds, smoking or use of electronic cigarettes are prohibited.
  12. Driver understands that any unauthorized use of a College vehicle for non-College related purposes or personal use will result in revocation of College vehicle driving privileges and possible disciplinary action. Individuals may be held responsible for any accident arising out of unauthorized use and may be charged for repair to a damaged College vehicle. Units will be held responsible for any accident arising from a situation in which a supervisor or manager allows unauthorized use and in such cases, the unit will be charged for repair to a damaged College vehicle.
  13. A College owned, leased or rented vehicle is to be driven only by the authorized driver indicated on the request form. If an employee requests to drive a College owned, leased, or rented vehicle, they must fill out a request form and only they are authorized to drive the vehicle. This does not pertain to employees who drive College vehicles in the course of their normal duties (i.e. members of Public Safety and Facilities who should be guided by their internal departmental procedures). 
  14. Gas will be purchased for College owned vehicles with the College fuel card  provided with the vehicle. Use of the College-issued fuel card is restricted to the assigned College vehicle.  For more details and policy guidance on fueling college vehicles, see Appendix 641B, Fuel Card Program.  
  15. No pets or animals are permitted in College vehicles unless they are service animals or authorized emotional support animals.
  16. If injury, medical condition, or medications prohibit driving, the driver must notify the direct supervisor or POER immediately.
  17. Employees whose job responsibilities require driving must immediately notify their direct supervisor and POER of any motor vehicle citations received while performing their job duties; any citations that occur during non-work hours may result in a change to their driving status or license status. Changes include but are not limited to suspension, revocation, or expiration. Any change in their driver’s license status may result in a modification of their driving assignment based on the employee’s unsafe driving record.  Failure to advise the Supervisor and POER of a suspended, revoked or expired driver’s license will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Employees reporting the suspension, revocation or expiration of their license are prohibited from driving a College vehicle or motorized equipment, or their personal vehicle for College business, until the employee produces a valid driver’s license. POER will determine reinstatement of driving privileges after a review of the circumstances of the suspension or revocation and verification of license status.

VI. Accident Procedures

In the event of an accident, the following procedures must be adhered to:

  • Immediately call 911, if able. Obtain any medical attention if necessary. Any accident that involves personal injury or property damage must be reported to local police regardless of severity.
  • Exchange information with the other driver (if applicable) and obtain: driver’s license and registration information; insurance company information; and contact phone numbers.  In addition, obtain names, addresses and phone numbers of all witnesses.  If the other driver(s) request information from a College employee involved in the accident, the College employee should provide driver’s license, vehicle registration information, and contact information.  The contact should be POER care of the Vice President at 201-684-7506 and Business Services care of the Controller at 201-684-7117.
  • Only make factual statements to the police or Public Safety Department.
  • Report the accident to their direct supervisor as soon as safely possible after the accident.
  • Call Public Safety and POER as soon as possible after the accident. Provide written report no later than 24 hours after the accident.  Complete a State of New Jersey Vehicle Accident Report (RM1-2) located in all College owned vehicles glove box or available through the Public Safety Department.  A written report and Vehicle Accident Report are to be submitted to Public Safety who will forward the report and information to the College’s Controller in Business Services and Director of the Facilities Department.
  • Cooperate with any investigation by the College’s Risk Manager, Public Safety and POER. All information and records regarding accidents will be maintained by the College’s Risk Manager in Business Services.

 VII. Reserving a Fleet Vehicle

The Office of Facilities Management maintains fleet vehicles available for use by units for official College business or College sponsored programs or events.  Reserving a fleet vehicle for official College business should comply with the provisions under College Vehicle Use procedures.

VIII. College Sponsored Student Travel

When traveling with students for direct support of academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs, the following requirements must be adhered to:

  • Only authorized employees who meet the conditions of the Motor Vehicle Policy and Procedures, and the College Vehicle Use procedures are permitted to drive College owned, leased or rented vehicles.
  • The driver must complete a Travel Itinerary Form with the names of each individual who boards the vehicle and provide a copy to the Public Safety Department prior to departure.

IX. Rental Vehicles

The College may authorize the rental of a vehicle when a College vehicle is unavailable or other means of transportation would result in a higher cost.  Renting of vehicles for official College business should comply with the provisions under the College’s Travel Policy.

X. Club Carts

Due to the potential dangers associated with operating a Golf Cart, Club Cart or Utility Cart all employees authorized to drive College owned or leased vehicles must adhere to the following requirements:

  1. Successfully complete the defensive driver safety training course.
  2. Must be at least 18 years of age.
  3. Possess a current unrestricted driver’s license.
  4. Obey all applicable motor vehicle laws and regulations.
  5. Always yield to pedestrians and limit use in areas where there is high pedestrian traffic.
  6. Never drive on the walkways under the main academic building overhangs.
  7. Do not exceed 20 miles per hour on open roads and open pathways, and do not exceed 5 miles per hour in areas where there is high pedestrian traffic.
  8. Slow down before making sharp turns.
  9. Never drive while impaired by alcohol, controlled substances, medication, illness, fatigue or injury.
  10. Ensure strict compliance with capacity limits for occupants.
  11. Remove key from vehicle when not in use.
  12. Drive in a defensive manner, anticipating situations that may be hazardous.
  13. Avoid driving at night.
  14. Operation of Club Carts and Utility vehicles are restricted to the College campus. Vehicles are permitted to cross Route 202 only at the traffic light crosswalk.  Vehicles are prohibited from driving along Route 202.