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See, we are real people in the Admissions Office and we are super excited that you’re considering spending the next chapter of your academic life with us at Ramapo College! We think it’s an amazing place and are excited to share with you all about why Ramapo may be the perfect choice for you.
Whether you’re looking to begin an application, or have questions about anything Ramapo, The Ramapo College Admissions Team (those smiling faces below) will be happy to help you in any way we can! Contact us personally at anytime or check out our upcoming events.
Director of Admissions
Text: (201) 581-3517
Call: (201) 684-7300
Associate Director of Marketing and Student Recruitment
Call: (201) 684-7440
Associate Director of Graduate and Transfer Enrollment Management
Call: (201) 684-7448
Admissions Counselor
Call: (201) 684-7308
Text: (201) 677-3643
Populations: Campus Visitation and Student Ambassadors
Assistant Director of Admissions and Dual Enrollment
Call: (201) 684-7630
Text: (201) 903-7170
Populations: First-Year – Northern Bergen County; Coordinator of Dual Enrollment High School Programs/Partnerships
Admissions Counselor
Call: (201) 684-7303
Text: (201) 644-5512
Populations: First-Year – Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, and Union Counties; Admissions Social Media Coordinator
Admissions Counselor
Call: 201-684-7358
Text: 201-331-9727
Populations: First-Year – Southern Bergen, Essex, and Hudson Counties – NJ; Suffolk, Nassau, Kings, and Staten Island Counties – NY
Admissions Counselor
Call: 201-684-7456
Text: 201-800-6029
Populations: First-Year – Hunterdon, Morris, Somerset, Sussex, and Warren Counties – NJ; Orange and Rockland Counties, NY
Admissions Counselor
Call: 201-684-7355
Text: 973-310-5080
Populations: Camden, Mercer, and Passaic Counties – NJ and International Students
Admissions Counselor
Call: 201-684-7260
Text: 201-989-1615
Populations: Atlantic, Burlington, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties – NJ; All NY (except Suffolk, Nassau, Kings, Staten Island, Rockland and Orange Counties) and Out of State Students
Assistant Director of Transfer and Veterans
Populations: Transfer students from Bergen CC, Sussex CCC, and Veterans
Meet Nicole Virtually Meet Nicole at BCC Meet Nicole at SCCC
Transfer Specialist and PCCC Coordinator
Populations: All transfer students coming from a 2 year or 4 year institution including Passaic CCC, Adult Degree Completion, Accelerated BSN, RN to BSN, and TA to Teacher
Graduate Admissions Counselor
Call: (201) 684-7304
Text: (201) 800-6057
Populations: All Graduate Students
Program Assistant
Call: (201) 684-7232
Text: (201) 989-1615
Populations: Non-Degree and Au-Pair Students
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