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Klein, E. (2021). Lived Experiences of LGBTQ People: What Helps and What Hurts. Nova Publications. New York.
Klein, E. (2018 ). Chapter 2. The Early Years: From the Mental Hygiene Movement to NIMH and Chapter 12. Analyzing the Problem: Disparities in Behavioral and Mental Health for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered (LGBT). In Moniz, C. and Gorin, S. Behavioral and Mental Health Care Policy and Practice: A Biopyschosocial Perspective. Routlege.
Klein, E. (2018). Using Social Support for LGBTQ Clients with Mental Illness to be Out of the Closet, in Treatment and in the Community. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services. 29 .3.p. 221-232
Klein, E. (2018). Community Mental Health Disparities Facing the LGBT Community: Needs and Solutions. In Rosenberg, J. and Rosenberg, S. Community Mental Health: Challenges for the 21st Century , 3rd Edition. London: Bruner-Routledge.
Klein, E. (2017). Case Level and Policy Advocacy. In Forensic Social Work: Psychosocial and Legal Issues with Diverse Populations and Settings. Maschi, T and Leibowitz, G., Eds. New York: Springer Publishing.
Maschi, T., Rees, J. and Klein, E. (2016) Coming Out of Prison: A Qualitative Exploration of LGBT Elders in the Criminal Justice System. Journal of Homosexuality.
Klein, E. ( 2016). Establishing effective cross cultural alliances with diverse consumer populations. In: Strategies for Deconstructing Racism in the Health and Human Services . Carten, A., Siskind, A and Pender Green, Eds. Oxford University press.
Maschi, T., Rees, J., Klein, E., & Levine, R. (2015). LGBT elders and the Criminal Justice System. In D.A. Harley & P.B. Teaster (Eds.). Handbook of LGBT Elders: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Principles, Practices, and Policies. Cham, Switzerland, Springer International Publishing.
Klein, E. (2015). Supervision of Social Work Interns as members of a multidisciplinary team. Research on Social Work Practice. 1-5.
Klein, E. (2015) Khat. In: Encyclopedia of Pharmacology and Society. Boslaugh, S. And Golson, J.G. (Eds.)
Klein, E. (2014). National Institute of Mental Health. In: Encyclopedia of Human Services and Diversity. Cousins, L.H. And Golson, J.G. Eds. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.
Klein, E. (2014). Deinstitutionalization. In: Encyclopedia of Human Services and Diversity. Cousins, L.H. And Golson, J.G. Eds. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.
Klein, E. (2013). Polypharmacy . In: Cultural Sociology of Mental Illness. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.
Klein, E., & Sarabia, S. E. (2014). Co-Occurring Disorders: Clinical, program, and policy considerations. Addiction, Recovery & Aftercare, 1, pp.35-53.
Conference Presentations:
Klein, E. (July, 2019). Increasing Social Workers’ Competence in treating LGBT individuals with mental health diagnoses. Accepted to be presented as a symposium at the 9th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health. York, England.
Klein, E. (March, 2019). Teaching BSW Students to Provide culturally competent services to LGBTQ clients. Abstract accepted for presentation at Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference. Jacksonville, Fla.
Klein, E. (May, 2018). Working with mandated forensic clients with mental illness: Challenges and Practical Solutions”. Abstract accepted and Presented at the International Conference on Working with Involuntary Clients at the Monash University Prato Centre in Prato, Italy
Klein, E. (April. 2018) Health and mental health disparities in lesbians, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning individuals. Abstract accepted for Presentation at Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy’s Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities, Research and Education, 11th Health Disparities Conference. New Orleans, La.
Klein, E. (March, 2018). Workshop: Teaching BSW Students to Provide Culturally Competent Services to LGBTQ Clients. Abstract accepted and Presented at Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference. Atlanta, Ga.
Klein, E. and Huygen, C. (September, 2017). Presented: Essential of how to Work Affirmatively with LGBTQ Clients in Treatment. Northwell Health Center, New York.
Klein, E. (March, 2017) How Support helps LGBT Clients with mental illness stay in treatment and in the community. 10th Anniversary Health Disparities Conference- XULA Center for Minority and Health Disparities. New Orleans, La
Klein, E. (November, 2016). Why Social Workers are Essential Members of Interprofessional Teams. Council on Social Work Education, Annual Program Meeting. Atlanta, Ga.
Klein, E. (October, 2016). Study of a Social Support Program Designed to Maintain LGBT Clients with Mental Illness in the Community. Presentation at Center for Scholastic Inquiry: Research Professional Practice. Scottsdale, Arizona.
Klein, E. (June, 2016). How a Group Support Program Helps Maintain LGBT Clients with Mental Illness in the Community. The 38th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Social Work with Groups. New York City.
Klein, E. ( March, 2016). How to Utilize Core Social Work Skills for Agency Leadership. Presentation at Baccalaureate Program Directors (BPD) Annual Conference. Dallas, Tx.
Klein, E. (October, 2015). Increasing Social Workers’ Competence in Treating LBGT Individuals with Mental Health Diagnoses. Poster presentation at Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Denver, Colorado.
Klein, E. (June, 2015). How to Hone Your Social Work Skills to Become a Successful Manager. Presentation at Network for Social Work Management 26th Annual Conference. Washington, D.C.
Klein, E. (June, 2015). Supervision of Student Interns as a member of a Multidisciplinary Team. Presentation at the 11th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Garden City, NY.
Klein, E. (March, 2015). Teaching Students Leadership Skills through Service Learning on a Multidisciplinary team. 4th Annual Tri-State Best Practices Conference, Bergen Community College, NJ.
Klein, E. (December, 2014). How Social Work Managers Distinguish Themselves Against Other Degrees. Network for Social Work Management. Presentation On-Line Webinar.
Klein, E. (December, 2014). Using Social Support to Keep LGBT Mental Health Clients Well. Poster Presentation at the Minority Health and Health Disparities Grantees’ Conference, National Harbor, MD.
Klein, E. (October, 2014). Supervisory Focus for Students Placed on a Multidisciplinary Team to Enhance Development of Clinical, Collaboration, and Leadership Skills. Presented at New York State Social Work Education Association. Saratoga, NY.
Klein, E. (July, 2014). Treating Mentally ill Offenders in an Inpatient Setting. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the National Organization of Forensic Social Workers. NYC.
Klein, E. (June, 2014). Providing Culturally competent services to LGBTQ clients. Presentation at Hunter College 3rd International Conference on Practice Research, New York, NY.
Klein, E. ( June, 2014). Supervision of students in placement on a multidisciplinary team for development of leadership skills. Presentation at Network for Social Work Management 25th Annual Conference. Boston, Mass.
Klein, E. (June, 2014). Supervision of student interns as a member of a multidisciplinary team. Presentation at the 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Adelphi University, Garden City, NY.
Klein, E. (June, 2014). Clinical and policy considerations in providing integrated trauma informed care for those impacted by substance abuse and mental health problems. Presentation at NASW- NYC 46th Annual Addictions Institute. NY,NY.
Klein, E. (March, 2014). Need for Inclusion of Working with LGBT Client in Social Work Education. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors. Louisville, Kentucky.
Klein, E., & Sarabia,S.E. (June, 2013). The Social Work Role in the Provision of Integrated Treatment for Dually Diagnosed Clients Identified through Evidenced Based Practice and Policy Advocacy. Paper session presented at The 45th Annual Addiction Institute for the New York City Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, New York, New York
Sarabia, S. E., & Klein, E. (June, 2013). Substance Abuse Prevention from a Community Perspective: An Evidenced Based Approach. Paper session presented at The 45th Annual Addiction Institute for the New York City Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, New York, New York
Klein, E., & Sarabia, S. E. (May, 2013). How to Provide Effective Care to Individuals Dually Diagnosed with a Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Disorder. Paper session presented at the 24th Annual Institute for the Network for Social Work Management, Newark, New Jersey
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