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Now more than ever, dedicated and compassionate teachers are needed to assist students in a variety of different learning forms with a variety of different abilities. The Master of Arts in Special Education prepares students to attain their Teacher of Students with Disabilities Certification after completion of all degree requirements. All special education teachers must have dual certification in Teacher of Students with Disabilities and another general certification area. The Master of Arts in Special Education program consists of 36 credit hours and includes formal in-seat/hybrid coursework, a field internship and an applied capstone research component.
Thank you for your interest in the Master of Arts in Special Education program. At Ramapo College, the faculty and professionals associated with the MASE program are dedicated to your success. From inquiry to graduation, we provide you with 1-on-1 attention, academic and career guidance and advisement, and experiences that will enable you to be a better prepared leader in your field.
Please contact me with any questions.
Dr. Julie Norflus-Good, Program Director
Schedule an Advisor Session with the MASE Program Director
Credits: 36
Format: hybrid
Full-time/Part Time Option: PT only
Estimated cost (per credit / total):
Per credit = $894.41
36 credits total = $32,198.76
(cost details)
Duration: 2 years PT
Start Term: Fall and Spring
It is the mission of the Ramapo College Master of Arts in Special Education program to provide prospective special educators the opportunity for professional growth and development. This effective balance in both theory and practice will allow for experiential learning and instructional strategies to enhance the education of persons with disabilities. Prospective special educators need to understand the law and how to diagnose, educate, and appropriately advocate for special education students. Highly competent educators must be able to interpret data and apply the results. They need to internalize best practices through observation and experiential learning in actual school and community settings. The Master of Arts in Special Education program will allow prospective special educators to study under exemplary leaders in the field who specifically demonstrate essential behaviors, beliefs, characteristics and research-based best practices.
The program is designed in a manner that is practical, flexible and accommodating to the unique needs of the practicing educational professional. Harnessing the power of modern communication and distance learning technologies, students can effectively and comfortably complete all program requirements within a two-year sequence. Students who successfully complete all MASE program requirements are eligible for the New Jersey Students With a Disability Endorsement Certificate.
“It was a perfect opportunity for me to graduate with my bachelor’s degree from Ramapo and then begin my Master’s... READ MORE >
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