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Canvas IconCanvas is a learning management system (LMS) used by educators and students around the world. All courses at Ramapo College can be accessed online via Canvas. Faculty are encouraged to attend an IDC workshop on Canvas and review the resources provided below.

  Canvas Log In   Canvas Roles

NEW: Assign To interface
The Assign To box is no longer directly visible when editing an assignment (including quizzes and graded discussions). There is now a link button labeled “Manage Assign To” where Assign To was previously located.

When you click on this button, a tray will open from the right revealing the Assign To tray (seen below). The Assign To panel has also been reformatted: the date-time box has been split into separate date and time selectors for easier use, each date is on its own line, and everything has been resized to be readable without any elements being hidden from view.

Once you are finished making changes to the Assign To tray, click Apply at the far bottom right corner. Don’t forget to save the assignment itself once you’re done with all changes!

The functionality of Assign To remains the same:

  • The Due Date is what appears on the student “to do” lists and calendar, and any submissions after this time are marked as late.
  • The Available From date is when the assignment opens and begins accepting submissions. Before this date, the students only see the general details (title, point value, and dates) of the assignment; they can not see the full prompt and cannot yet submit.
  • The Until date is when the assignment closes. Students cannot submit after this time.
  • Each Assign To box (which defaults to “everyone”) shows who that set of dates applies to. “Everyone” changes to “Everyone Else” once you add any exceptions with the +Add button. You can differentiate due dates by sections in cross-listed courses. If you remove “Everyone”/”Everyone Else” from the list, only those students explicitly listed will have the assignment available.
Student Canvas Tutorials and Guides

The Student Experience (18 min.)
Learning how to use Canvas is probably among a long list of challenges at the start of a student’s educational journey. This is why we created the Student Experience video; as a tool to assist new students on day one, from opening a course invitation email to how to submit an assignment file before the due date. This video provides new students with the basics in getting started in Canvas with personal settings, course layout and communication, and submission feedback, while also giving other educational roles a glimpse from a student perspective.

Canvas Student Tour (35 min.)
This self-paced series of videos helps to familiarize students with Canvas (including profile, communication, discussions, assignments, grades, quizzes, and more). When students login to Canvas they will see the Canvas Student Tour course on their dashboard.

Passport to CanvasThis self-paced course provides everything students need to know about using Canvas in your classes. Topics include, navigation, assignments, quizzes, discussion, grades and feedback, peer interactions, and the student mobile app. When students login to Canvas, the Passport to Canvas course will be accessible in an announcement on their dashboard.

-Video Tutorials for Students (by topic)
-Canvas Guides for Students (by topic)
-Canvas Mobile App for Students (iOS & Android)

Instructor Canvas Tutorials and Guides

First Look and Course Basics are two introductory training sessions that are each available as recordings. These sessions will give new users a sneak peek into what they will experience as they begin their Canvas journey.

First Look  (31:35)
First Look introduces participants to the Canvas environment, login procedure, and global navigation. Attendees will explore account setup, personal preferences, and communication tools such as the inbox and calendar. This session also shows the different types of support available.

Course Basics  (54:51)
Course Basics is an overview of the layout and features offered in Canvas. Users will learn about course navigation and the different ways content can be delivered and their performance can be assessed. This introductory demo shows users the fundamentals of using Canvas.

Instructors:   Video Tutorials     Canvas Guides

Taking Attendance    Video        Guide
Creating a TurnItIn Assignment    Video   Guide
Making Webex Meetings in Google Calendar & Adding Meeting Info to Canvas Guide
Making Webex Meetings in & Adding Meeting Info to Canvas  Guide
Using the Cisco Webex Link in Canvas to Setup Meetings Guide
Publishing Canvas Resources (files, modules, assignments) Guide 
Get to Know Your Gradebook Guide Guide

-Adding FlipGrid to Your Canvas Course (Guide)
-Best Practice For Copying/Pasting from MS Word into Canvas (PDF)
-Best Practice For Copying/Pasting from MS Word into Canvas (Video for Mac)
-Best Practice For Copying/Pasting from MS Word into Canvas  (Video for Windows)

How to import your content into Canvas

The Instructional Design Center will be available to help you import course content into Canvas. Please use this opportunity to update your course, add new apps, revise material, and remove unused or duplicate content. Reducing course size helps the overall speed and efficiency of the Canvas instance at the school. Canvas courses are limited to 1000Mb, or 1Gb, of data.

Online Training for Instructors

Canvas Courses (for Faculty)

Login to Canvas and you will see the following courses on your dashboard to help you get started and learn Canvas: 

  • “Growing with Canvas” is a self-paced interactive course with 7 modules where you will learn and try out features, and experience Canvas as a student. This course is for you if you want to learn Canvas in depth, while experiencing the Canvas platform.
  • “Canvas Teacher Tour” (45 minutes) contains self-paced series of videos.

Canvas Online Training Portal (for Faculty)

All instructors will have access to the Canvas online training portal to enroll in on-demand, self-paced courses, learning pathways, or view individual videos for targeted topics. Faculty members can access the online training after logging into Canvas as follows:

  1. Log into Canvas with your Ramapo username and password at
  2. Click on the “Help” menu on the left navigation, then select “Training Services Portal”
  3. You will be directed to a page that says “Training Portal is requesting access to your account,’ select “Authorize.”
  4. Click through the tutorial, then click “Do Not Show Again” on the last screen and click “complete.”
  5. You will be directed to a page that says “Authorization required.” “Authorize Training Portal to use your account,” select “Authorize” (first-time access only.)
  6. You will be brought to the Learning Library page, for on-demand, self-paced training organized into A.) learning pathways (a series of courses), B.) courses, and C.) individual videos for targeted topics. Select the “Tags” (“faculty” and “higher education”) to filter the most appropriate courses.

LinkedIn Learning (for Faculty)

LinkedIn Learning provides online, self-paced, video-based courses on Canvas including: 

  • “Learning Canvas” (1 hr. 54 min.) 
  • “Canvas: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques.” (1 hr. 44 min.) 

Complete the Request Access Form to gain a temporary license to LinkedIn Learning training. The IDC has 10 licenses. Please note this is only available to faculty and staff.

Canvas Display Name Change

To Set Your Preferred Display Name in Your Canvas Profile

  • In the Global Canvas navigation area, select Account > select Settings
  • On the far right, click Edit Settings
  • In the Display Name area, enter your preferred name
  • Click Update Settings
  • Your Display Name will show your preferred name
Changes to your name on class rosters and other systems across campus need to be submitted to the Used Name Committee.
Canvas Beginning and End of Course Checklists

The following checklists provide a starting point for ensuring your course is ready to for student access at the start of a new course term, and ready to close at the end of a course term.

Canvas FAQ

How do instructors access Canvas?
Instructors have access to Canvas at Login using your Ramapo user name and password. See the Resources (?) section in the global navigation area to discover more about Canvas.  

What browsers are recommended?
Chrome and FireFox are best. Internet Explorer is not recommended.

Is there a mobile app available?
Yes! Canvas apps are available – for students and teachers for Android and iOS.  

I use Turnitin, Respondus, a publisher test bank, or another technological resource. Are they available in Canvas?
Yes, Turnitin and Respondus are available in Canvas. Check the Instructional Technologies page for more information. Open a help desk ticket for the IDC to assist with integrating publisher test banks or other third-party applications. 

Who should I contact for assistance with Canvas?
Virtual dropping office hours and the link are posted on the IDC Homepage. Any problems or questions should be sent to the Help Desk. Please provide your course name, section, CRN and semester in your email to

Still need help? Create a new support ticket or schedule a one-on-one consultation. We are here to help!