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Teaching, Learning, & Technology Roundtable (TLTR)

Have an innovative idea involving technology?
Need funding to make it happen?
TLTR can help!

TLTR Mission

The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable (TLTR) is a campus-wide roundtable with representatives from administration, faculty, professional, and technology support staff. TLTR seeks to motivate and enable campus constituents and individuals to improve teaching and learning with technology, while helping them to cope with continual change. The goals of TLTR are to:

  • Gather, research, and assess information about existing and emerging technologies, and explore their relevance to academic and professional endeavors;
  • Support and guide, regardless of the user’s technological background, differences in background, disabilities, and other factors, the integration of information and instructional technology into educational programs, practices and professional development through grants and other activities;
  • Develop and recommend plans of action;
  • Monitor and assess implementation and effectiveness of plans of action.

TLTR Committee Members

  • Zach Layton, Co-Chair (CA)
  • Sharon Leathers, Co-Chair (SSHS)
  • Tim Babasade (ITS)
  • Michael Bitz (SSHS, IDC)
  • Sourav Dutta (TAS)
  • Suzan Kurzmann (Library)
  • Cathy Moran Hajo (HGS)
  • Robert Josic (Enrollment Management)
  • Changhee Lee (ASB)
  • Missy Long (OSS)
  • Kaneez Odgers (Nursing)
TLTR Committee FAQs

Who can attend a TLTR meeting?

Anyone can attend a TLTR meeting if scheduled ahead of time with the committee chair(s).

Who can be a committee member?

The TLTR committee is made up of faculty and staff. Each unit should have one representative on the committee. Administration and professional staff can also join.

When does the committee meet?

TLTR meets once a semester.


TLTR Grants

Apply for a TLTR Grant. Fall 2024 application deadline: November 15, 2024.

TLTR awards “Technology in Teaching and Learning” grants to encourage faculty, librarians, and professional staff who teach to integrate technologies, throughout the disciplines, into teaching and learning at Ramapo College.

TLTR grants support the efforts of faculty, librarians, and professional staff who teach to develop applications that incorporate the technologies in teaching and learning and related research and assessment. For more information on the grants, please see the Grants Overview page or the Innovative Technology Grants page.

Grant recipients are required to present the results of the grant in a method that can be linked to the TLTR website (e.g., a report, power point, or video demonstration). This must be done within a year of receiving funding. Completed proposal must be submitted to The Office of the Provost will distribute all applications to the TLTR Grants Committee.


What are the TLTR Grants?

Funding for exploring leading edge technology with a broad or deep impact upon a discipline and Ramapo College. Larger technology grants (over $500) support innovative projects that are connected to classroom application or support. TLTR grants may also support smaller, less expensive projects ($20-$500) which may go to the purchase of technologies not currently supplied by the college and may be course-specific. For the purpose of these grants, the term “technology” includes but is not limited to computers and library-related electronic resources.

NOTE: Items purchased remain the property of Ramapo College.

Who is eligible?

Faculty, librarians, and professional staff who teach at Ramapo College.

NOTE: If you are an adjunct professor or temporary staff member you may jointly apply with a tenured-track faculty, librarian or professional staff member.

When can I apply?

Grant applications are accepted twice each academic year. Fall grant applications are due the third Friday in November. Spring grant applications are due the fourth Friday in March. Deadlines are enforced to ensure awards and distribution of funds are done in a timely manner and can be used the following semester.

The AY2024-25 grant application deadlines are November 15, 2024 and March 28, 2025. Funds must be utilized prior to the close of the College’s fiscal year, June 30. Funds that are not utilized cannot roll over or be used past June 30, 2025.

How can I apply?

Please use the TLTR Technology Grant Application. Complete proposals should be no longer than 3 pages, double spaced. Please include:

  • Information about your project and how it will affect the use of technology in a class/major/school
  • A clear timetable
  • The activities you plan to carry out to meet your objectives for the project
  • Student learning outcomes that are explicitly listed and can be clearly measured
  • Complete budget (NOTE: When asking for stipends, the number of hours you plan to spend on the project should be indicated.)
  • Method of evaluation of the project
  • Additional attachments applicant feels will help clarify the proposal

Submit your application via email to Awardees will be notified of the Grants Committee’s decision by the end of the semester.

Is there a limit to how much I can request?

The TLTR budget is approved by the Provost. While there is no limit to the amount that can be requested, competition for limited grant funds may mean the committee chooses to fund only a portion of a larger request (depending on the scope and items requested).

What happens if I can’t use the funding in the time specified in my grant application?

If you are unable to complete your project in the time specified within your application, you will be asked to resubmit your application during a future grants cycle. Awarded funds must be utilized within the current fiscal year; awarded funds that are not utilized cannot roll over or be used past June 30, the close of the College’s fiscal year.

How can I tell if my idea is appropriate for a TLTR grant?

If you are unsure if your idea is appropriate for a TLTR grant, feel free to contact the current Grants Committee chair(s) or the current TLTR Committee chair. We are always happy to help you develop your project or let you know of additional resources available on campus.

Does TLTR support the creation of websites?

TLTR is happy to support web-related or web-based projects. This is not the same as websites that may serve as a repository for student and/or faculty resources. Please see following example of appropriate web-based TLTR funded projects:


The Office of Marketing and Communications supports the creation of Ramapo College websites. In addition to setting-up a website, staff are happy to either train you to maintain your site yourself or offer alternatives to the maintenance of your site (depending on the scope and size). Other tools, such as Google sites, are provided by ITS. As always, members of TLTR are happy to offer help and guidance in this area as well.

How are the grant applications considered?

The TLTR Grants Committee reviews applications with the TLTR Grant Rubric. Successful applications clearly tie back their projects to curriculum. Successful grant projects are also innovative and clearly demonstrate a need on campus that is not already being met by another product or service.

How does TLTR handle grant requests for subscription services?

Subscription services have successfully received funding in the past, but the applicants should consider alternate funding sources for subscription renewals, as it is unsustainable for TLTR to continually fund product renewals.

Can I apply every semester?

Yes. However, if a semester is highly competitive and the Grants Committee receives applications which exceed the amount allotted for that semester, applicants who have not recently been awarded grants within the last three semesters will receive priority.

What if I have more questions?

If you have any questions regarding the grants, please contact TLTR Co-Chairs Zach Layton ( and Sharon Leathers (

Recent TLTR Grants

Spring 2024

Title: Digital Mud:  Ceramic 3D Printing
Proposal Author: Joel Weissman (CA)

Fall 2023

Title: Using AI Applications to Create Review Questions for Nursing Students
Proposal Author: Anne Marie Flatekval (TAS)

Title: CRISPR Genome Editing
Proposal Author: Joost Monen (TAS)

Title: Emotive EEG Brainwave Sensor Headset
Proposal Author: Zach Layton (CA)

Fall 2022

Title: Digital Humanities Critical Gaming Lab
Proposal Author: Indya Jackson (HGS)

Title: Exploring Gamification in Education
Proposal Author: Fariba Nosrati (ASB)

Fall 2021

Title: Use of Apps in the Classroom to Increase Student Engagement
Proposal Author: Anne Marie Flatekval (TAS)

Title: Expanding Capacity at the Jane Addams Papers Project
Proposal Author: Cathy Moran Hajo

Spring 2021

Title: Forensic Genetic Genealogy Innocence Lab
Proposal Author: David Gurney (SSHS)

Fall 2020

Title: Modular Skills Trainer
Proposal Author: Joan Richards (TAS)

Title: Capturing the Fun and the Work: Recording Play Therapy Sessions for Teaching and Training
Proposal Author: Colleen Daly Martinez (SSHS)

Spring 2020

Title: Request for Polar H10 Heart Rate Sensors
Proposal Author: Patrick Chang (COND/EXSS)

Title: Tablets for Organizing of Programming Languages Course
Proposal Author: Amruth Kumar (TAS)

Title: The Utilization of the Virtuali Tee Shirt to Enhance Learning in Health Assessment
Proposal Author: Anne Marie Flatekval (TAS)

Fall 2019

Title: Impact of Virtual Reality Learning Experiences versus Traditional and Non-Traditional Learning Experiences on Student Learning
Proposal Author: Malavika Sundararajan (ASB)

Title: Using WeVideo for Digital Storytelling
Proposal Author: Monika Giacoppe (HGS)