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Our Commitment to Sustainable Practices

At Ramapo College, we take pride in fostering a campus culture that prioritizes sustainability in our facilities. Our commitment to environmental responsibility extends across various aspects of campus operations, demonstrating our dedication to creating a more resilient and eco-conscious community.

Key Sustainability Initiatives:

1. Energy Efficiency:

  • Implementation of energy-efficient lighting systems and appliances across campus.
  • Ongoing upgrades to HVAC systems for improved energy performance.

2. Renewable Energy Sources:

  • Integration of solar panels on select buildings to harness clean, renewable energy.
  • Collaboration with local providers to increase the percentage of renewable energy in our campus energy mix.

3. Waste Reduction and Recycling:

  • Expansion of recycling programs to reduce waste sent to landfills.
  • Introduction of composting initiatives in campus dining facilities and residence areas.
  • We proudly practice furniture reuse, by refurbishing and repurposing items whenever possible.

Ramapo Green Recycling Checklist

General Campus Refuse Removal Procedures:

Residence Areas:

  • Village- Residents are required to sort their trash and recycling. Trash is self-deposited on a regular basis into outdoor collection areas at the ends of most buildings. Recycling is also be self-deposited (not in a bag) into an outdoor collection area by buildings 1 & 20, or picked up by a student team, schedule will be distributed by your Hall Office, TBD.
  • CPA- Residents are required to sort their trash and recycling. Trash is self-deposited on a regular basis into outdoor collection areas throughout the parking lots. Recycling is also be self-deposited (not in a bag) into an outdoor collection area in the parking lots into recycle sheds, or picked up by a student team, schedule will be distributed by your Hall Office, TBD.
  • Laurel, Pine, Mackin, Bischoff, and Overlook- Residents are required to separate their trash and recycling.  Trash and recycling(not in a bag) are self-deposited into appropriate collection bins in the building’s trash room.

Academic Complex:

  • Personal Offices/Cubicles- Occupants are required to regularly self-deposit all refuse into a common collection area, sorted recycling and trash. Deskside refuse will not be collected.
  • Classrooms, Labs, Lounges, and Common areas- Campus provided refuse removal will be provided. Separate bins are available for trash and recycle.


Filtered Hydration Station Locations:

Drink Local

Recognition and Certifications:

  •  Ramapo College recognized as Tree Campus, established in 2020.

Tree Campus Ramapo College