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Request to Fill Procedures



(To be followed to request a replacement of a current position, request a replacement with changes, request a new position and/or reclassifications or as a result of a reorganization that impacts staff)


As you may be aware, salary and benefit costs are approximately 72+% of the College’s total expenses.  Therefore, each decision must be made in consideration of current and future budgetary impacts.  It is critical to review requests to fill positions and organizational changes in relation to the overall Core structure considering both operational needs as well as strategic goals, understanding there are limitations on total College resources.  The new Request To Fill process (RTF), will provide added oversight so that all people resources will be allocated and aligned with overall strategic goals and critical operational need. The Request to Fill Committee (RTFC) will be the final entity overseeing this process.

  • The RTFC will consist of VP Fiscal Health, VP People Operations & Employee Resources (POER), with advisement from the Director of Internal Audit.   The RTFC will meet every other Monday morning at 10am.


Within each Core, the organizational structure must be linked to the Core/Unit’s mission and goals.  Any requests to fill regardless of how the vacancy occurred (i.e., resignation, retirement, new position, reassignment, reorganization, etc)  must be submitted to POER and Budget with final approval from the RTFC.   Also, any requests for reclassifications, additional compensation, change in title, grade or salary must have the unanimous approval of POER, Budget, and the RTFC.    As an aside, it is strongly encouraged that annually, during the budget planning process, managers and Vice Presidents should request any additional resources based on mission requirements for the coming budget year to support any approved Core/Unit changes.

If the unit manager has the concurrence of the Cores’s VP, and decides to change the responsibilities of a position, POER must review the job specifications/job description to determine if a reclassification is warranted.  Any updates to the job descriptions will be filed in People Operations, as this will be the repository for each employee’s official job description.


If a reorganization is planned within a Core, POER must be consulted to review the recommended changes within the Core/Unit, including the job descriptions of all impacted members of the unit, the new proposed structure and the related classifications or reclassification(s) requests.  POER will review the request from the Core/Unit, if necessary, request additional information and then make their recommendation to the Request To Fill Committee (RTFC).  All  information is forwarded  to the Request To Fill Committee (RTFC) for final approval/Denial.   The following documents must be submitted:

  • Core  Organizational Chart
  • Functional Organizational Chart
  • Financial Impact Statement (see template)
  • Existing job descriptions
  • Revised job Descriptions

The intention is that no structure will be changed, no positions filled, no responsibilities reassigned or upgraded/reclassified, without the concurrence of the Core Vice President, review of the Classification and Compensation Unit of POER,  and Budget with final  approval by the RTFC.



When writing your justification to fill a position, please answer the following questions on the Request To Fill Form:

  • Why is this position needed?
  • How does this position fit within the current Strategic Plan?
  • What alternatives have been considered in the decision to replace/fill this position and WHY they will not work. (For example, student help, part-time employee, project work, reallocation or redeployment or shared resources, etc.)
  • What is the impact of not filling this position? (For example, describe the positions impact on revenue, operational expenses, project work, overtime use, etc.)
  • Are there cross training opportunities within your core to utilize a resource with differing peak times?


  • Units will be reviewing organizational structure with budget process annually
  • Creation of the Request To Fill Committee
  • Once approved the VP for People Operations & Employee Resources will present to MET for informational purposes only
  • Time savings with reviews, reclassifications, and also increases in efficiency as jobs can be posted quicker
  • More accountability for the managers and supervisors to manage their Core/Unit’s organizational structure as well as financial resources
  • Faculty and student workers are not in scope of this process, but graduate students are included
  • This process also applies to new grant positions as these must be reviewed by POER to determine that all job descriptions correspond to the appropriate step and range, and that the pay grades are consistent with College employees performing the same functions