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AFT to Manager

AFT staff may move into a managerial title through either the reclassification or promotion process. When such change in status takes place as a result of a reclassification or promotion, the following will occur:

  1. When AFT staff moves into a managerial title at a higher salary range, the employee may be treated as a new hire for salary purposes. In order to arrive at an appropriate salary, the following may be considered:
  2. Calculate the promotional formula
  3. Consider that figure in light of all relevant factors (education and experience of incumbent, salary compared to other managers in the unit, division and the College, salary compared to similar position outside the College, and any other pertinent information, and make appropriate adjustments.

With regard to the managerial salary program, depending on the effective date of the personnel action, the employee may be eligible for managerial merit. The People Operations and Employee Resources Department follows an adjusted factor scale based on the date of the personnel action.


Responsible Unit: People Operations and Employee Resources Department (POERD)

Date Adopted: September 23, 1998

Updated:  January 23, 2020

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