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TedX Talk by Dr. Nikhil Varma, Associate Professor of Management
Congratulations to this year’s Omicron Delta Epsilon inductees! (April 24, 2024)
The RCNJ team wins 2nd Prize at the 2023 Business Analytics Competition hosted by Manhattan College.
The RCNJ Enactus Team representing the College at the Regional Summit at the BIC headquarters in Sheldon, CT.
November 12, 2022
Password: KebwMUn8
Must be a current college accounting major who has completed 24 credits or the equivalent of
one (1) year, but less than 150 credits
Must be enrolled in school as of September, 2020
Must live or attend school in Bergen County, New Jersey
Must not have received scholarship assistance covering FULL tuition
GRADE POINT AVERAGE (submit copy of transcript):______________________________________________
Anticipated date of Graduation/Completion of 150 Credits:________________________________
Have you applied/are you applying for any other NJCPA Scholarship(s)*: _____Yes _____No
How did you hear about our scholarship?
Also include:
1. Resume/statement of life experience (i.e. volunteer efforts, extracurricular or civic activities, work)
2. One (1) paragraph:
Leadership, born with or learned? Describe how you are preparing yourself to be the most effective leader
possible as part of the CPA profession of the future.
3. Two (2) page essay responding to the following situation:
With the constant push towards workplace flexibility and cloud-based software, what are the major challenges that these
play on the accounting profession today and in the future?
Return completed application BY Tuesday, December 10, 2019 to:
Marc M. Radin, CPA CCPS
NJCPA Bergen Scholarship Committee Co-Chair
126 Valley Road, Second Floor
Glen Rock, NJ 07452
Or e-mail completed application package to: njcpabergenscholarship@gmail.com
*Winning scholarship applicant awards may be reduced if said applicant also wins a NJCPA State Scholarship
NJCPA Bergen Schol Appl 18-19 (3) (1)
Vicne Vicari, RD Ramapo SBDC co-presents a business leadership event with center advisory board member Nick Pascarella of Novomni at the Anisfield School of Business Lounge on August 8th, 2017.
During the Fall 2017 semester, meetings are Wednesday at 3:00 pm in the ASB Trading Lab. Interested in joining? Email us at invest@ramapo.edu
Regional Center Director Vincent Vicari of NJSBDC at Ramapo College of New Jersey was named the recipient of America’s SBDC “State Star” award for his outstanding work with Bergen County entrepreneurs and small business owners is seen here listening to Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno at a recent business expo for Hispanic small business owners.
On March 30 and April 1, 2017, Ramapo College hosted the 49th Annual Conference of the Liberian Studies Association. The theme of the conference was “Governance, Institutional Quality and Elections: Prospects and Challenges for Inclusive Democratic State building in Liberia.” The conference included scholars and community activists presenting a collection of engaging papers focusing on a wide range of issues related to “institution building and democracy consolidation.” For more information, please visit: https://www.ramapo.edu/international/lsa-2017/.
The tenth annual ASB Alumni Networking Roundtable took place in the Trustees Pavilion on Wednesday, March 30, 2017 from 6:15 – 9:30 PM . Juniors and seniors had the opportunity to sit with successful ASB alumni in their fields of interest to learn about career paths and begin to build their professional networks. Students registered online and selected three (3) tables to join and met some of the 30 alumni who have volunteered to provide guidance to ASB students as they prepare to launch their careers.
If you have any questions contact Karen Norton at x6653 or knorton@ramapo.edu.
PHOTO (from left to right): Ira Rinn, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Consulting; Vincent T. Vicari, Regional Director, NJSBDC Ramapo College; U.S. Representative Josh Gottheimer, Dean Ed Petkus, Anisfield School of Business; Tom Olsen, Lobster Life Systems, Inc.
On January 3, 2017, ASB officially became the host site for the Bergen County NJ Small Business Development Center. On January 19, U.S. Representative Josh Gottheimer, in a speech at Ramapo College, acknowledged the work of the SBDC in helping Mr. Rinn and Mr. Olsen develop their businesses.
Invitation to apply for RCNJ Peru: International Business Experience program. This study abroad program is led by Professor Gladys Torres-Baumgarten and will take place in Lima and Cuzco, Peru from May 15 – 28, 2017. This study abroad program will be based around IBUS 337 – International Business Experience. For more information, please visit https://ramapo.studioabroad.com/index.cfmFuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=49456.
Presentation of the “Nine Things Millennials Should Know About Socialism” by economist and historian economics professor Thomas DiLorenzo of Loyola University took place on Monday, November 14th at the Trustees Pavilion.
Presentation of the “BLS, the Labor Market and You” with guest speaker Dr. Erica Lynn Groshen, Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor took place on Thursday, October 27th at the Trustees Pavilion.
Presentation of the “Why Falling Prices Are Good For Business,” with guest speakers Joseph T. Salerno and Associate Professor of Economics Alex Olbrecht took place on Tuesday, October 4 in the Trustees Pavilion
The seventh annual ASB Alumni Networking Roundtable took place on March 27, 2014. The objective of the event is to give juniors and seniors (and career-ready sophomores) an opportunity to practice their networking skills and to begin to develop a valuable network of contacts with successful Ramapo business school alumni. Students hear first-hand about careers in their fields of interest and gain experience in connecting with professionals in the business world.
A standing room only crowd was on hand on Friday, January 24th to hear the remarkable story of one of our ASB alumni who used his entrepreneurial passion and ingenuity to build a highly successful business in Shanghai China. After completing a tour of duty as a U.S. Marine in Operation Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in 1990-91, MICHAEL JOHNSEN earned his B.S. in Marketing and International Business from the Anisfield School of Business (1994). Michael later completed his MBA at ESCP Europe (Paris campus).
During the course of the next 20 years, he spent 13 years in China, became fluent in the Mandarin language, brought the Subway Sandwich® franchise to Shanghai and Jiangsu, and co-owned and operated 20 of the top selling and most profitable Subway Sandwich® stores in China. The number of Subway stores in China has expanded to more than 400. Michael is currently the China Country Manager for Arpin International, a corporate global moving company.
On April 12, Mr. Josh Weston, former CEO/Chairman of Automated Data Processing, shared his thoughts about leadership during a visit to the Anisfield School of Business.
On Wednesday, April 10 the Finance Club hosted a debate between Professor Alexandre Olbrecht and Professor Murray Sabrin. The debate, moderated by Professor Haye, began with the Keynesian vs Austrian schools of economics. It also included topics such as Healthcare and its cost on small businesses and the Gen Y, the ever increasing gap of income inequality, education and how the U.S. stacks up, sequestration and its impact on the country, and finally Euro-zone issues and how they affect those of us across the pond.
On March 8, 2013 The Sabrin Center for Free Enterprise presented The Eight Annual Sebastian J. Raciti Memorial Lecture and Scholarship Reception featuring author, economic consultant, and stock forecaster A Gary Shilling.
Dr. A. Gary Shilling is President of A. Gary Shilling & Co., Inc., economic consultants, and publisher of INSIGHT, a monthly report of economic forecasts and investment strategy. He has been a Forbes magazine columnist since 1983 and writes the “Financial Strategy” column. He also is an online columnist for Bloomberg View. He appears frequently on business shows on radio and television. His eighth book, The Age of Deleveraging: Investment strategies for a decade of slow growthand deflation, was published by John Wiley & Sons in late 2010. Twice, the Institutional Investor magazine ranked Dr. Shilling as Wall Street’s top economist and Futures Magazine rated him the country’s number one Commodity Trading Advisor. In 2003, MoneySense Magazine, named him the third best stock market forecaster in the world, right behind Warren Buffett.
The Anisfield School of Business Alumni Advisory Board hosted its sixth annual Alumni Networking Roundtable on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 from 6:15 – 9:30 PM in the Trustees Pavilion. The objective was to give business students an opportunity to network with ASB and other Ramapo alumni and learn about their professional experiences and career paths. This is ASB’s most successful student event, as alumni host tables related to their areas of business, and business students join them in conversation, rotating among tables. In this roundtable format, students express their table preferences upon registration and are then assigned to different tables for each of three rounds, which provided multiple opportunities for students to make connections and begin to build their professional networks.
Every year, students overwhelmingly appreciate this opportunity to network with alumni of Ramapo College in a comfortable yet professional environment. They gain great perspective on the business world directly from professionals and are consistently impressed by the accomplishments of the participating alumni.
Ramapo College introduced a new MBA program for working professionals in fall 2012. The AACSB accredited 20-month accelerated program is designed to be practical and relevant and includes extensive opportunities to apply essential management skills and knowledge in real world settings, including an international immersion consulting experience.
Dr. Lewis Chakrin, Dean of the Anisfield School of Business, cited four key attributes of the program: leadership across business disciplines; The 20-Month Push: a schedule that is intense yet manageable; real-world hands-on experience that prepares students to lead; and the enduring value of the Ramapo MBA.
The Ramapo MBA program develops business leaders who are effective and socially responsible. “We have focused more than 20 percent of our coursework on developing leadership skills because research suggests that this enterprise-wide vision is a skill future business leaders often do not find in MBA curricula,” said Chakrin.
The Ramapo MBA program is fast and flexible for working professionals as the College recognizes that working while completing one’s degree is not optional, but essential. A student can continue to work and earn an MBA within 20 months if they commit to the accelerated schedule.
The MBA program is also centered on real-world case studies, and the College has developed partnerships with companies who will present challenges facing their business to the MBA cohort for analysis and recommendations. Additionally, the program includes an immersion experience in China developed by one of Ramapo’s professors to take students behind the scenes of China’s complex and booming economy.
The Ramapo MBA is AACSB-accredited, meaning that it delivers an education tested against external standards. Professors who are experienced in business as well as the classroom impart practical wisdom and useful classroom encounters. Like colleagues in the workplace, students will progress through the MBA program together, in a cohort, forming teams and learning to collaborate.
Eastern Economic Association, located at Ramapo College of New Jersey, presented “Where Economics and Politics Collide: The Uncertain Future of the Euro Zone,” featuring guest speaker and Nobel Laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz on Wednesday, February 29 at 4:45 p.m. in the Berrie Center for Performing and Visual Arts.
Stiglitz spoke with economics students at the Anisfield School of Business at 3:30 p.m. the same day.
Stiglitz’s talk focused on the survival of the European Union and the Euro as a means of currency. The lecture also addressed debt issues that have affected countries such as Greece, Portugal and Spain. Audience members will had the opportunity to participate in a question and answer session.
“We are honored to have a speaker of Dr. Stiglitz’s caliber share his insight on world economic affairs,” said Dr. Peter P. Mercer, the College president. “Experiential learning opportunities such as this continue to draw some of the best business students in the region to our Anisfield School of Business which is the proud home of the Eastern Economic Association.”
Stiglitz is a University Professor at Columbia University. He was a Fulbright Scholar at Cambridge University, held the Drummond Professorship at All Souls College Oxford and has taught at Stanford, M.I.T., and Princeton. Stiglitz is also the winner of the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics and received the John Bates Clark Medal as an American economist under the age of 40 who has contributed significantly to the field. He also served as the chairman of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisors under President Clinton, chief economist and senior vice president of the World Bank between 1997 and 2000 and served as president of the Eastern Economic Association in 2008
Ramapo College of New Jersey achieved initial accreditation of its business degree program by AACSB International – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business in January, 2011. Founded in 1916, AACSB International is the largest global accrediting body for business schools that offer undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degrees in business and accounting.
Ramapo College joins an elite group of institutions that have achieved business accreditation from AACSB International. Only 607 schools of business, or less than 5% worldwide, have earned this distinguished hallmark of excellence in management education.
“The AACSB accreditation of Ramapo College’s Anisfield School of Business is an important milestone in the College’s history of which we can all be proud,” said President Peter P. Mercer. “This accreditation is a key component in furthering Ramapo’s Strategic Plan and commitment to provide nationally recognized programs of the highest quality. This prestigious accreditation confirms the ASB’s achievement of a wide range of high quality standards relating to curriculum, faculty resources, admissions, degree requirements, facilities and financial resources.”
To achieve accreditation, an institution’s business program must undergo a meticulous internal review and evaluation process. During this period, the school must develop and implement a mission-driven plan to satisfy 17 quality standards relating to faculty qualification, strategic management of resources, interactions of faculty and students, as well as a commitment to continuous improvement and achievement of learning goals in degree programs.
During the accreditation process, Ramapo College’s Anisfield School of Business was visited and evaluated by business school deans with detailed knowledge of management education, applying accreditation standards that are widely-accepted in the educational community.
“Attaining accreditation by AACSB was only possible with the focused efforts of an entire team,” noted Dean Lewis M. Chakrin. “We are fortunate to have an outstanding faculty dedicated to student learning, with a commitment to professional development and scholarly research to inform their teaching, along with a student body that is motivated and engaged in expanding their knowledge and skills both inside and outside the classroom.”
The Anisfield School of Business is the home of the Eastern Economic Association, one of the nation’s foremost organizations dedicated to the promotion of scholarly and educational exchange, research and discussion of economic affairs. Recently, the School opened its new Global Financial Markets Trading Lab, which offers student real-time access to the world’s financial data and state-of-the-art trading systems, introduced a new certificate program in Project Management and opened a career services office.
“We warmly congratulate Ramapo College and welcome it into the AACSB family of internationally accredited business schools,” said John J. Fernandes, president and chief executive officer of AACSB International. “AACSB accreditation represents the highest achievement for an educational institution and its college of business. The dean, faculty, directors and administrative staff of Ramapo College are to be commended for their dedication and commitment to continuous improvement, and for their role in earning initial accreditation.”
Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize winner and Professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University, visited Ramapo College on September 29. The President of the Eastern Economic Association, Professor Krugman participated in a series of events at the College’s Anisfield School of Business, including the designation of the Business School as the new home of the Eastern Economic Association.
Professor Krugman was also an honored guest at the dedication ceremony of the Fifth Floor of the Anisfield School of Business Building, featuring the New Global Financial Markets Trading Lab. Professor Krugman addressed Ramapo students and special guests with a lecture, “The Liquidity Trap and Its Discontents.”
Dr. Alexandre Olbrecht, Associate Professor of Economics at Ramapo College’s Anisfield School of Business and a Research Associate of the State University of New York at Binghamton, will serve as the Eastern Economic Association’s new Executive Director. He has served on the Board of Advisors for Economic Education at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and is the school’s faculty advisor for the Collegiate Federal Reserve Bank Challenge team. His published research has appeared in the Journal of Human Resources, Applied Economics Letters, Economics of Education Review, The American Journal of Business Education, and the Journal of Business & Economics Research. His work has been cited numerously, such as by BusinessWeek Online, Medical News Today, and Atlantic Monthly Magazine.
George Gonpu, Ph.D., an assistant professor of Economics in the Anisfield School of Business at Ramapo College of New Jersey, was appointed deputy minister for Budget, Ministry of Finance in the Republic of Liberia.
In a letter congratulating the professor, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Liberia’s president, welcomed Gonpu’s ability to make a “meaningful contribution as we strive to move our country forward in a process aimed at enhancing peace, reconciliation and development.”
Gonpu began teaching at Ramapo College in 2000. He has taught courses such as “Money & Economic Activity,” “Introduction to Macroeconomics” and “Management Statistics.” The professor holds a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, an M.A. from Northwestern University and a B.S. from the University of Liberia. George returned to teaching at Ramapo College in Fall 2011.
As the global economic crisis continued to unfold, The Anisfield School of Business assembled a group of experts from the ASB faculty, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Banking System to shed light on its causes, impacts and potential cures. The discussion was held October 29, 2008, which coincided with the 79th anniversary of “Black Tuesday.” The panelists explained to a standing-room-only audience what is happening in the economy and described the circumstances that led to this extraordinary set of events. They also offered suggestions of leading indicators that will mark the eventual turnaround in the economy:
Lewis Chakrin, Ph.D., dean of the Anisfield School of Business, asserted in his invitation to the event, “While we cannot promise comfort, we can offer enlightenment.” The panel did just that.
After a welcome from President Peter P. Mercer, Dean Chakrin introduced the panelists:
At a dedication ceremony Monday, April 28, 2008 for the Anisfield School of Business on the campus of Ramapo College of New Jersey, Richard and Millicent Anisfield of Saddle River announced a $3 million gift to the school that bears their name. In 2006, the Anisfields made a $2.5 gift to facilitate construction of the new academic building. At the time, it was the largest single gift in the history of Ramapo College. This second significant gift brings the total of the Anisfields’ donation to the college to more than $6 million.
“Millicent and I are proud of Ramapo College and its fine faculty, students, staff and administrators who are responsible for the institution’s high stature in the academic world,” said Richard Anisfield. “We are delighted to contribute to the continuing growth of Ramapo and its college community.”
The gift will be used to complete the fifth floor of the building and to support future programs of the business school. Features will include a state-of-the-art Trading Floor Simulation Room, four classrooms, a seminar room, a board room, a director’s office and career services offices. The Trading Floor Simulation Room will be a highly technical specialty space with ample wall space for screens and scrolling tickers. It also will be an attractive space for student clubs that manage portfolios and for on-going contests that use virtual portfolios to compete.
Dr. Peter P. Mercer, president of Ramapo College of New Jersey, announced the establishment of the Sabrin Center for Free Enterprise in the Anisfield School of Business. Initial funding for the Center will come from a $250,000 gift from Dr. Murray Sabrin, a professor of finance and executive director of the college’s Center for Business and Public Policy, and his wife, Florence.
“We believe that our gift will have a major impact on the education of Anisfield School of Business students,” said Dr. Sabrin. He and Mrs. Sabrin are committed to having their gift and the income it generates used for scholarships, faculty research and programmatic needs. The Center also will provide an opportunity for the Anisfield School of Business to conduct community outreach.
The first installment of the gift, in December, will be used to create an endowment for the exclusive use of the Sabrin Center for Free Enterprise. An executive director will be appointed to begin organizing the Center and to seek support for future activities from corporations, foundations and individuals. It is expected the Sabrin Center for Free Enterprise will begin operation in the 2008 – 2009 academic year. The Ramapo College Foundation will administer the Sabrin’s gift.
“It is always special in the life of a college when faculty members and their families contribute financially in a way that complements their intellectual contributions,” said Dr. Mercer.
Cathleen Davey, vice president and executive director of the Ramapo College Foundation said, “The Sabrins often speak about giving back and helping others. With this gift, they bring to fruition their dream and set a wonderful example for our faculty to emulate.”
Added Dr. Sabrin, “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Florence and me to provide a lasting legacy to Ramapo College, which gave me the opportunity to achieve my career goal.” The couple resides in Ft. Lee, New Jersey.
Non-business majors seeking to enrich their academic experiences and broaden their career prospects are invited to enroll in the new Business Essentials Certificate Program. This program allows students who are not majoring in business to develop a working knowledge of fundamental business concepts. The courses and seminars will be scheduled at convenient times in the summer of 2008.
For more information please contact Karen Norton at (201) 684-6653 or Click Here for the Business Essentials Certificate Web Site.
Ramapo College of New Jersey announced that it has received the largest gift in the college’s history. Longtime supporters Richard and Millicent Anisfield of Saddle River will donate $2.5 million toward Ramapo’s business school. To express its appreciation for these contributions, the Ramapo College Board of Trustees will name the college’s business school The Anisfield School of Business.
The Anisfield gift will provide funding to support the construction of a new academic building, an endowed deanship, endowed student scholarships and faculty fellowship awards. “The Anisfields are committed to our business school’s mission to provide undergraduate students with exceptional public education through the strategic integration of the business disciplines and the liberal arts, “said Ramapo President Peter P. Mercer.
The Anisfield School of Business, the college’s largest school with 23 percent of Ramapo students, will be housed on the lower level and the first three floors of the new facility, comprising 14 “smart” classrooms, two of which will be high-tech lecture halls, study lounges, an e-mail lounge, 40 faculty offices as well as 20 two-person adjunct faculty offices, break-out rooms for seminars and a dean’s suite. This will make it possible to locate all business classrooms and faculty offices in one facility. Site work has already begun on the new building, which will be a central feature of the main entrance to the campus.
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