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Take summer courses with Ramapo College of New Jersey and still have the summer to yourself. Choose a summer course that meets your needs so you can stay on track, catch up on coursework, engage with something new or accelerate time to your degree.
Ramapo College offers a variety of online courses during our summer and winter sessions. The courses are consistent with Summer Session student academic needs over the years. At Ramapo, we are using the Canvas Learning Management System LLMS).
Visit the Canvas Site To Find Out More the Canvas LMS and Online Courses:
For more information, the link to the Canvas Student Video Tutorial site is:
(If you experience any problems viewing any of the information, please use Mozilla/Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer or as your browser)
The site provides information regarding:
When you have completed the Orientation, or any time you are in a CANVAS course, you can select the Help icon and search a variety of Canvas Guides and resources for assistance
How do Ramapo College online courses work?
How do I register for Course(s)?
Visit Ramapo College Self Service to register for an online course.
How do I set up a Ramapo e-mail account?
Will there be any additional requirements for this course?
How do I order my textbooks?
(Jill, do you have better information from the Bookstore for ordering through Folett Discover I am not sure how valid this link still is: https://www.bkstr.com/ramapostore/shop/textbooks-and-course-materials
Will there be an online orientation and/or established online meeting schedule?
Who do I contact if I need additional help?
Payment Information – Contact the Office of Student Accounts at studentaccts@ramapo.edu or call (201) 684-7495
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