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Frequently Asked Questions

What if I need to cancel or modify an appointment I made?

Find the appointment on your Upcoming Appointments channel shown on the Connect home page. Click the calendar icon at the beginning of the line. This will bring up a menu that will allow you to cancel or edit the appointment.

What if my advisor has to cancel the appointment?

You will be notified via email of the cancellation. It will disappear from your Upcoming Appointments channel. You can reschedule your appointment via Connect at this time.

How do I contact someone in My Success Network?

If you click on the drop down next to the name of someone in your Success Network you will see their email and office phone number. You can message them via Connect and it will show up as a regular email from your Ramapo email address. Simply enter a subject line and the message content. This email will not show up in your sent mail box in your Ramapo G-mail account. To keep a history of your messages, check off the box to send a copy to yourself. When the person you have contacted replies, it will come to your standard Ramapo email account.