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The General Education Curriculum Committee (GECCo) was created in Fall 2009 by the Faculty Assembly, as a body reporting to the Faculty Assembly (via FAEC), and making recommendations about changes to the General Education curriculum to the Academic Review Committee (ARC). Its two-fold charge was: (1) to provide faculty-driven, holistic oversight of the General Education curriculum and (2) to develop and implement an ongoing General Education assessment plan on a multi-year cycle.
With the implementation of a revised general education program, the charge and membership of GECCo was refreshed.
The General Education Curriculum Committee is a Faculty Assembly Standing Committee that will:
For balance:
The committee will elect a chair annually from amongst its membership. All members are voting members except Vice Provost (or representative).
The secretary will be chosen annually from the membership.
GECCo will consist of the following members:
Directors are appointed annually through an application process operating from the Provost’s Office. Coordinators will serve renewable two-year terms (for the first term, half of the members will stay on for a third year to stagger elections). Each year the potential vacancies will be announced in FA and new members will be voted onto the committee in the spring and will begin serving in the following September.
Directors and Coordinators
The various directors and coordinators will:
Chair of GECCo
The GECCo chair will ensure that:
The GECCo Secretary will ensure that:
Vice Provost (or other Provost-appointed representative)
The Vice Provost will:
Chair – Chris Reali
Director of Critical Reading and Writing (ex-officio) – Hugh Sheehy
Director of First-Year Seminar (ex-officio) – Peter Campbell
Director of Social Science Inquiry Category (ex-officio) – Leah Warner
Director of Studies in Arts and Humanities (ex-officio) – Monika Giacoppe
Coordinator for Culture and Creativity Category – Chris Reali
Coordinator for Global Awareness Category – TBA
Coordinator for Historical Perspectives Category – Tae Kwak
Coordinator for Quantitative Reasoning Category – Matt Jobrek
Coordinator for Scientific Reasoning Category – Emer Mcguire-Pool
Coordinator for Systems, Sustainability, and Society Category – Emily Leskinen
Coordinator for Values and Ethics Category – Lisa Cassidy
At-large Representative (TAS) – Sarah Carberry
At-large Representative (ASB) – Desi Budeva
At-large Representative (ASB) – Tufan Ekici
At-large Representative (CA) – Rebecca Leung
Library Representative – Christina Connor
Vice Provost (ex-officio) – Joyce Shim and Michael Unger (as Provost designee)
Sarah Carberry, Monika Giacoppe, Yvette Kisor, Michael Unger, and Leah Warner
GECCo is currently accepting course applications to be included in the General Education Program for the 2024-2025 academic year. Please contact GECCo Chair Professor Chris Reali (creali@ramapo.edu) for the application materials and information about the application process. Please note that all application must explain how courses assignments will be used to assess the General Education student learning outcomes for the appropriate General Education category, which are included on the application materials.
Ramapo College students requesting a substitution for one or more GE requirements need to fill out this form.
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