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Director of the NJ Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell (NJCCIC) and Chief Information Security Officer for the State of New Jersey DMC Fair Save-The-Date! Date/Time: Wednesday, 4/23/25, 5-7 pm Location: Ramapo College, Trustees Pavilion Join us for the Center for Data, Mathematical, and Computational Sciences (DMC) Fair on April 23th, 2025. Following the keynote speech, attendees can view posters showcasing Ramapo students’ research projects in Data, Mathematical, and Computational Sciences. Attendees will be able to network with Ramapo students and faculty as well as industry professionals. Awards will be given for the best posters and refreshments will be served. Short ... Read More
AI implementation in Finance operations Speaker: Larry Shapiro from PwC When: Monday 11/11 at 6:30pm – Room ASB 136 Topic: AI implementation in Finance operations: Larry Shapiro leads the Global Oracle ERP implementation at PwC including application of AI to finance operations and engagement management. Larry's talk will resemble a real life case study on how leaders in large global enterprises embrace AI. Some of the topics he will cover include: Leadership Concerns: Risk Management: AI-related risks (e.g., model drift, bias, security breaches). Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA, FINRA). Return on Investment (ROI): Measuring AI's financial benefits. ... Read More
Mathematical Modeling Education: My Journey Connecting Theory with PracticeDr. Geena Taite Wednesday, September 11, from 4:15pm to 5:15pm in G123 Brief Abstract: Dr. Geena Taite, Ramapo College undergraduate alumna of the mathematics program, Ramapo College adjunct professor, and PCTI STEM Academy mathematics teacher, shares her doctoral experiences learning about mathematical modeling education. These experiences led her to connect theory with practice through designing and facilitating sessions for pre-service mathematics teachers and also professional development for in-service mathematics teachers. At this talk you will engage in a brief mathematical modeling task, learn about Geena’s doctoral experiences that led to her dissertation work, and hear findings from her ... Read More
The Computer Science Club is happy to announce their first big event for the semester! Eric Wohltman, a Senior Lead Software Engineer working at the biggest bank in the US (Chase), will give an online presentation. He will share his story about what he did as a college student, how he got his first job at Chase, and how he grew in the company to become a senior lead developer. He'll also share some tips and some of the mistakes he made along the way. Sure, you do not want to miss it! DATE: February 28 @ 6 PM LOCATION: ... Read More
Bjarne Stroustrup, inventor of the C++ language and a pioneer in the field of Computer Science, is coming to Ramapo College on March 13th at 3:30 pm. Join us to learn about the past, present, and future of the language, and Dr. Stroustrup’s personal insights on its impact on the field of Computer Science . Dr. Stroustrup is currently a Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University in New York, NY. All are welcome! Food will be available, along with a raffle for Google earbuds - courtesy of the Computer Science Club and co-sponsors. Check back here for room information ... Read More
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