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Closing Procedure

ALERT ME NOW Emergency Preparedness


Normal Office Hours:

Fall / Spring Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m.
Summer Hours: Mon.- Thurs. 8 a.m. 5:15 p.m., Fri. Closed


Clarification of Terms in the Event of a College Closure

Lines of authority: The President of the College or their designee has the authority to close the College, adjust hours of operations, and determine modes of operation. This includes closings, delays, and transitions to remote operations due to inclement weather, power outages, adjustment of work schedules for energy savings purposes, or any other disruption that may necessitate a change to normal work hours and modes of operation. The declaration of a state of emergency by the Governor does not supersede the authority of the President of the College or their designee but is always considered when determining College operations.

The College is closed. This means that classes will not be held; instructors will communicate alternate plans to their students; offices are closed; and only essential staff report to campus. Faculty/instructors will determine and communicate alternate plans to their students in order to make up the missed instruction time. Offices are closed; and only essential staff report to campus.

No classes held on campus. This means that classes will not be held on campus. This also means that faculty/instructors must determine and communicate alternate plans to make up the missed class/instructional time as per the College’s Credit Hours Policy/Procedure. At the discretion of the faculty member, alternate plans can include but are not limited to holding synchronous classes via WebEx, assigning asynchronous learning experiences, assigning a group project to be completed remotely, etc. Students enrolled in off-campus co-ops/internships, fieldwork, clinical rotations, etc. should travel only if the off-site location is open and it is safe to travel there.

Non-essential staff will be remote. This means that non-essential staff members will conduct their work remotely. Further, non-essential staff members who are unable to perform their work remotely because of the inclement weather or disruption must communicate with their supervisor to determine if an alternate work activity can be performed or if vacation or comp time leave balances will be charged.

Essential staff report to campus. This means that essential staff will perform their work on campus.

Classes are canceled. This means that classes will not be held. Each Ramapo faculty/instructor should determine and communicate alternate plans to their students for any on-campus and off-site class(es) scheduled to be held in order to make up the required class meeting minutes. (Note: Course-specific alternate plans, excluding synchronous instruction and assignments, are to be determined by each instructor, but Deans and Conveners should be consulted, as needed.)

The College will remain open. This means that College offices will be open, and services will be available regardless of class cancellation. Some activities may be canceled

The College will open on a delay. This means that all classes and activities scheduled to begin at X:XX or later will be held on campus or off site as scheduled. All offices will be open by X:XX. Faculty/instructors whose classes are scheduled to begin before X:XX should determine and communicate alternate plans to their students in order to make up for the missed instruction time.

The College will close early. This means that all classes and activities scheduled to end at X:XX or earlier will be held on campus or off site as scheduled. All other classes and activities are canceled. All offices will open at X:XX. Faculty/instructors whose classes are scheduled to begin after X:XX should determine and communicate alternate plans to their students in order to make up missed instructional time.


Closing Procedure:

The College President or their designee will determine whether the campus will be closed or remain open, whether classes will be cancelled or delayed in starting, and when there may be an early closing.

The College Closings/Special Announcements hotline will communicate this information at (201) 236-2902 (this information will not routinely be available by calling the College’s automated attendant.) Ramapo College e-mail account holders will also receive e-mail announcements regarding College closings and the information will be posted on the Ramapo Web page.


(Note: Higher Education institutions are routinely exempt from such State closings).

If the College is open, students and faculty are advised to use their best judgment about local road conditions in making a decision about attending classes during inclement weather or unanticipated conditions, as such:

  1. Utilize any allowed absences wisely.
  2. Students should contact their professor and/or another student in their class for assignments if they are absent from a class due to a delayed opening or closing.

Early Closing (all classes cancelled after an appointed time), and Delayed Opening (morning classes cancelled or shortened) Guidelines:

When classes are cancelled or delayed, the College will indicate the time when classes will either begin or end.  Classes should not meet in person before or after that posted time.  Class work may continue via electronic and alternative formats as directed by the faculty member.

For updates on campus resources and services outside of class times, please follow the College’s social media accounts.

If necessary, due to a series of missed classes, the College may deem an alternative day as a make-up day.

A recorded message about a Cancelled Exam Make-up Schedule (if required) will be available on (201) 236-2902.