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EDUC 230.01: Methods of Contemplative Education for Children and Youth
CNST 240.01: MIndfulness Based Stress Reduction Seminar | (Offered Spring 23)
CNST 240: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Seminar
CNST 230: Mindful Self-Compassion Seminar
EDUC 205: Philosophy and Practice of Contemplative Education
EDUC 230: Methods of Contemplative education for Children and Youth
Ramapo Mindfulness Club
Ramapo Yoga Club
(1/2 Semester Course)
This course develops skills to help us respond to ourselves and others with compassion, kindness, and support in times of difficulty. The course components include: (1) an experiential approach to self-compassion through body-based practices including body scan, yoga, and loving kindness meditation (2) an exploration of the physiology of self-criticism, including chronic stress-based disease, as compared with the physiological effects of self-compassion practices. (3) an experiential approach to compassion in relationship (4) an investigation of the extant research on the benefits of these practices This course is a two-credit elective in the Contemplative Studies Minor. There are no pre-reqs or class standing requirements.
Register Under “Contemplative Studies: CNST” on Ramapo’s Registration Page
Spring Semester: Tuesdays, 6:05-8:30pm (1/2 Semester Course)
This course is designed to teach students how to integrate and apply mindfulness in their everyday lives and to the range of challenges arising from medical and psychological conditions and life stresses. Embedded within the context of mind/body medicine, the course focuses on the experiential cultivation of both “formal” and “informal” mindfulness practices as foundation for the cultivation of positive health behaviors and psychological and emotional resilience that can be effectively utilized across the life span. The approach supports the learning, strengthening and integration of a range of mindfulness-based self-regulatory skills through the development and refinement of inherent internal resources. The course integrates the “minds-on”, secular practice of paying attention to the present moment, on purpose and without judgement. The course components: (1) an experiential approach to self-management through body based mindful practices including body scan, yoga, and meditation (2) an exploration of the physiology of stress, an exploration of chronic stress-based disease, and the physiological effects of mindfulness practices. (3) an experiential approach to mindful communications and relationship (4) an investigation of the cognitive, social, and personal benefits of these practices
0.000 TO 2.000 Credit hours
0.000 TO 2.000 Lecture hours
Register Under “Contemplative Studies: CNST” on Ramapo’s Registration Page
This course provides a foundation for the philosophy and the practice of yoga and other contemplative traditions. Each class contains 1.5 hours of Yoga and Meditation practice and 1.5 of discussion of readings from many diverse original texts.
Register under EDUC.
Contemplative Studies is an emerging interdisciplinary field, featuring themes from a wide spectrum of knowledge such as Philosophy, Religious Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Social Justice and Environmental Studies. The minor addresses traditional meditative, contemplative (mindfulness) practices and contemporary methods of the social and natural sciences and contextualized cultural-historical traditions, studied as:
The minor consists of 6 courses, 4 of which are course courses and 2 electives. The core courses include:
For more information, reach out to Carol Bowman or visit the Contemplative Studies web page.
Professor John McTighe Leading His Students in Meditation
“I teach my students that the value of learning mindfulness and establishing a personal practice is twofold. They will, of course, have developed a deeply useful skill that they can pass onto clients to help them deal with the many forms of adversity and distress they experience. But they will also have given themselves the gift of a practice that facilitates their ability to be meaningfully present to clients and to manage effectively the mental, emotional and physical reactions that can come from doing this challenging work.” -John McTighe, Assistant Professor of Social Work at Ramapo College
“Thank you for your wonderful presentation in my Sociology of health and Medicine class. You discussion of a grounded and mindful experience was clear and compelling. The short albeit effective guided meditation provided students with some useful tools for practice.” Martha Ecker Professor of Sociology at Ramapo College.
“At our group meeting I asked everyone how they liked the introduction to mindfulness with meditation at Mindfulness at Ramapo College… Joel was in the back row… he yelled, ‘loved it.’ ” -Sandra Suarez, Director Upward Bound Math Science student group
“Mindfulness and meditation have helped me to not only explore my emotions but to come to terms with them as well as finding a greater sense of peace. Mindfulness at Ramapo College and the Mindfulness club have been very useful with expanding upon this outlook as well as helping me find unique ways to get involved on campus and meet new, like-minded people within the Ramapo community.” -Jack, a Ramapo student
“I have conducted mindfulness sessions using some exercises from the MBSR class in both my undergraduate and MBA classes, and the response has been quite positive. I also have students write reflective assignments in all my classes.” -Sredevi Shivarajan, Ramapo faculty
“To hear and be reminded that my choice school has its own center for mindfulness, where meditation and its practices are thought of as treatment (for anxiety) is enlightening.” – Instagram comment gplayshark
“I can’t thank the Mindfulness at Ramapo College enough for it’s continued support and commitment to providing a comfortable space & community that fosters mental healing and exploration. Meditation has proven to be an extremely beneficial tool in my life, and I’m not sure if I would have accessed it without the Mindfulness at Ramapo College.” – Paul Iannelli, Ramapo student
“I provided Labyrinth to my students last Monday. It was wonderful! Students shared their awareness after the practice, and we talked about our life. I would like to introduce more experimental and contemplative pedagogy to my classes! I want to educate life skills as well as knowledge and critical thinking!”- Mindful Fellow Seon Mi Kim School of Sciences and Human Service
Student Mindfulness Club 2018
Improve your attention, reduce stress and anxiety and increase self awareness and relations with others. Students interested in joining the Mindfulness Club to learn about the practices and application of mindful living techniques contact mindfulness@ramapo.edu or call (201)684-7475.
To request disability-related accommodations, please contact mindfulness@ramapo.edu.
Mindfulness at Ramapo College of New Jersey
505 Ramapo Valley Rd
Mahwah, New Jersey 07430
(201) 684-6855
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