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Ramapo College Office of Graduate Admissions

McBride House 505 Ramapo Valley Road Mahwah, NJ 07430

Phone: (201) 684-7270
Text: (201) 800-6057
Fax: (201) 684-7964

Below are some Frequently Asked Questions about the MBA Program. Still don’t see the answer to your question? Email us at

How long will it take me to get my MBA?

A. Students granted “Advanced Standing” can complete the program in as little as 12 months (for a total of 30 credits). Students with a business undergraduate degree are automatically granted “Advanced Standing.” Students admitted without “Advanced Standing” would need to take an additional 12 credits (foundation courses) and can complete the program in as little as 18 months.

Can I take courses at my own pace?

A. Yes. Enrollees choose the pace and create a work-life balance that suits their personal and professional needs.

When and how often do classes meet?

A. Classes meet weekly during the evenings. Class modality varies between online (i.e., fully asynchronous learning) and hybrid (i.e., a mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning). Foundation courses are only taught online.

Can I concentrate on a particular area (finance, marketing, business analytics, etc.)?

A. Yes. Students complete three electives across a variety of topics. Those concentrating their elective choices within a specific business discipline can create an area of specialization. Specializations are dependent on course offerings which may change based on market demand. Currently, we offer the following concentrations: Accounting, AI Leadership, Business Analytics, Finance, Management, and Marketing.

Do you accept transfer credits from other schools?

A. Yes. Graduate courses that are deemed as equivalent to one or more courses offered in the program can be transferred. The number of transfer credits is limited. Also, undergraduate business majors may be eligible for “Advanced Standing”, allowing them to waive 12-credits of foundational coursework.

What is the total cost of the MBA program?

A. The per-credit tuition cost is $1, 219.18 for students beginning in September 2024. The total cost for “Advanced Standing” students is approximately $36,600 and $51,300 for non-business majors (both figures include tuition and fees). Students selecting the International Immersion elective are billed separately. Tuition is due at the start of each semester, but payment plans are available for students receiving employer tuition reimbursement at the end of the semester. There is no additional cost for out-of-state students.

I have a liberal arts undergraduate degree – is this program for me?

A. Yes. Liberal arts majors are welcomed! Our MBA program is specifically designed to provide a broad-based learning experience across all business disciplines and to prepare professionals to become senior managers. Non-business students complete six 2-credit foundational courses (accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, and statistics) to ensure they have the knowledge to succeed in the core MBA classes.

I have a business undergraduate degree – can I waive any of the courses?

A. Yes. Business majors who qualify for “Advanced Standing,” receive waivers for 12 credits (foundation courses), reducing the time and cost of the degree.

I have a business undergraduate degree – will this program be a repeat of what I learned there?

A. No. Graduate education is very different than at the undergraduate level. The pillars of Ramapo’s MBA program include leadership, critical thinking, and experiential learning. The level and depth of your learning are far more intensive and integrative. Through the use of case studies, simulations, etc., students learn to turn theory into practice.

Is the International Immersion trip required?

A. No. The Immersion trip is an elective course. However, many students describe the trip as a once in a lifetime opportunity and an essential component of their global learning.

What if I miss a class for health or work reasons?

A. We strongly encourage students not to miss any classes, but we recognize that it may be unavoidable. When an emergency or conflict occurs, students can either connect remotely or request an audio link. Course attendance is determined by the instructor.

What if I have to miss an entire semester?

A. Ramapo College will work with students to accommodate unexpected interruptions in their schedule. Students needing to pause or take a leave of absence must notify the Program Director of their intentions. No penalty is assessed, and students can resume at any time. The only requirement is that the degree must be completed within five years from the start date.

As a 4+1 MBA student, when should I apply to the MBA Program?

A. You should apply during the first semester of your undergraduate senior year.

Will pursuing an MBA be worth it economically – will it pay back more than it costs me?

A. Numerous studies have shown that earning an MBA is a financially rewarding investment when measured over the course of your professional career.

What do you mean by hands-on learning?

A. The MBA faculty utilizes case studies and simulation exercises to create a real-world learning experience. Students work in teams to gain mastery of the material.

What are the requirements for admission?

A. The ideal candidate will have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 and meaningful work or internship experience. Students not meeting the above requirements but who can demonstrate exceptional potential through other means will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Is there any career advisement support?

A. Absolutely. There is a comprehensive program of career counseling including periodic seminars, individualized career coaching sessions and job search support. Access to the Career Development Office extends to all of our MBA alumni.

Is tuition assistance available from Ramapo?

A. Yes. Graduate Financial Aid is available through the FAFSA.