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Robert Texel

Robert Texel

Robert Texel of Sussex, NJ is a Literature major who will pursue certification in Secondary Education. The writing sample he submitted for the scholarship was a poignant discourse on having to attend his grandmother’s funeral viewing on his twentieth birthday. Robert acutely noted, “I actually felt bad to have been born on her day. A person celebrates their birthday every year, but their entire lives are only celebrated for about a week after they die.” Robert demonstrates a dedication to the craft of writing and enjoys the process. He notes that unlike other writers, his goal is not to get published, though he wouldn’t mind that. It’s to write. Robert has a 3.73 grade point average.

Awarded Scholarships


Lally, Garvin 84 Writer's Scholarship

Garvin Lally graduated from Ramapo in 1984 and became a freelance writer. He started as an Economics major and graduated with a degree in Communications. The oldest of five children, his sister Gina recalls that he published a paperback book of poetry. He met his wife, Julie on a business trip to China, while working and writing for a college life magazine called DORM.

Tragically, Garvin died at age 28 in an airplane crash in Chile, South America in 1991. His wife Julie established this scholarship in Garvin’s memory to perpetuate his love for writing and for Ramapo College. Gina says Garvin would deeply encourage any student that has a passion for writing to do so. “It is a powerful vehicle for self-expression that can not only be beneficial to the writer, but also can give others an intimate experience, understanding, hope, laughter, love, and so much else.”

Candidates must demonstrate a strong interest in writing, literature or poetry.

Simon, Dr. Ernest Book Award

Dr. Ernest Simon was a professor of Literature at Ramapo from 1973 until his retirement in 1998. A group of his former students established this fund a number of years ago to honor their teacher and benefit Ramapo seniors in the Literature major. Dr. Simon appreciated the gesture and he and his wife Christiana contributed to the fund. Mrs. Simon further enhanced the fund after Dr. Simon’s death in 2003.

“One of the things I most enjoyed about Ernie Simon was that he never tired of sharing what he knew,” says his friend and colleague, Professor Ira Spar. “He approached our discussions, his teaching, and his students with the same energy that he gave to all that he did, and I count him among the best teachers Ramapo has ever had.”

This faculty-nominated award recognizes an outstanding Literature major who shows a “commitment to reading and research.”