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Audrey Zabohonski

Audrey Zabohonski

Audrey Zabohonski of Caldwell, NJ is a Literature major and a Spanish Language Studies minor. She has completed the requirements of the Business Essentials Certificate Program. She is involved with Ramapo News and the Spanish Club. Audrey was inducted into the National Society of Collegiate Scholars and Sigma Tau Delta Literature Honor Society. She is a student coordinator in the Civic and Community Engagement Center and holds a job in a retail store off campus. She is proud of being a rookie on the New Jersey Roller DerbyAll-Stars, a women’s flat track roller derby. Audrey has applied for several AmeriCorps NCCC and VISTA positions and is waiting to learn if she’s been accepted to any of them. She envisions working in an administration/ management role with a non-profit agency that assists those who are homeless and without food. Audrey would also like to establish an art therapy program with her best friend. “Who knows where the world will take me?,” she said. “Receiving a scholarship means that the hard work I’ve put in the last four years has really paid off. I hope that somewhere along the way, I’ve been a helpful peer, friend and student to classmates, friends, professors, advisers and mentors,” she added. “Along with my family, Ramapo has been instrumental in steering me where I want to go in the future.” Audrey has a 3.60 grade point average.

Awarded Scholarships


North Jersey Media Group Foundation / The Record Scholarship

For 25 years North Jersey Media Group staff worked closely with Ramapo College faculty member Helen Burchell to implement The Record Debate Classic. Each year debate team members from high schools throughout Bergen County competed in this prestigious event to hone their debating skills and build awareness of a timely public policy issue. Life-long learning, increasing the quality of public education and the ability to convey oneself effectively in the spoken and written word were very important to Helen Burchell. She was a member of Ramapo College’s founding faculty in teacher education and also served as director of academic outreach and grants advisor. In addition to coordinating The Record Debate Classic, Dr. Burchell served on the Donald and Flora Borg Merit Scholarship Award Committee, named for leaders of The Record. At Dr. Burchell’s death in 2005 the North Jersey Media Group Foundation made a generous commitment to the College in Helen’s memory, to be used for a scholarship for students in literature or journalism.