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Section Title:Administration and Finance
Policy Number:432
Policy Name:Holidays
Approval Authority:President’s Cabinet
College Policy Executive:Chief Planning Officer
Responsible Executive:Vice President for Administration and Finance
Responsible Unit:Human Resources
Date Adopted:October 25, 1995
Date Revised:September 2013



Managerial employees shall be entitled to days off with pay on such state holidays as are authorized by the Governor.

Reason for Policy

Sets forth policy and procedure regarding State holidays for managerial employees

To Whom Does the Policy Apply

Managerial employees

Related Documents



Human Resources
(201) 684-7506


Any managerial employee who is required by the College to work on a state holiday shall be entitled to comparable time off on another work day approved by the managerial employee’s supervisor.

Managerial employees must be in pay status the working day immediately preceding and subsequent to a holiday in order to receive credit for the holiday.

Part-time managerial employees in regular titles other than faculty not entitled to representation by a negotiations agent shall receive credit for the holiday on a proportionate basis provided the managerial employee’s work schedule would have included work time on that holiday.