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Section Title:Administrative
Policy Number:628
Policy Name:Bonfire
Approval Authority:President’s Cabinet
College Policy Executive:Chief Planning Officer
Responsible Executive:Vice President for Administration and Finance
Responsible Unit:Environmental Health and Safety
Date Adopted:January 14, 2013
Date Revised:September 2013, January 2014



Bonfires are permitted on selected college property if approved by the President’s Cabinet and all provisions of the New Jersey Fire Code for a safe open burning are met.

Reason for Policy

Sets forth procedures for having bonfires on college property.

To Whom Does the Policy Apply

Ramapo College members and visitors

Related Documents


Director of Environmental Health & Safety
(201) 684-7531


When a bonfire is planned on College property, a review of the plans and request will be conducted. This document provides general guidelines for those who plan a bonfire as part of a College event.

General Information

  1. Plans for all bonfire events must be approved by the President’s Cabinet.
  2. After approval is received from Cabinet the Bonfire Request forms will be submitted to the Office of
    Events and Conferences sixty (60) days prior to the event to allow for ample time to review the
    plans and engage the necessary resources.
  3. Requests will be reviewed by the Office of Events and Conferences and other applicable campus departments and confirm date availability.
  4. A designated Event Coordinator will be appointed by the requesting group to act as the main point
    of contact, maintain contact with the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) to coordinate and manage the bonfire event (ordering/delivery of wood, entering work orders, communication with the campus Fire Marshal).
  5. To insure personal safety, the local Fire Department is the only one authorized to extinguish the fire.

Bonfire Requirements

  1. All approved bonfires are held on the gravel lot adjacent North Field.
  2. All bonfires will have maximum dimensions of 5’x5’x5’ and maximum burn time of 3 hours.
  3. The Fire Marshal will request the required permits from the NJ Division of Forestry and the Division of Fire Safety. The Fire Marshal will also contact the local Fire Department and ask to standby at the bonfire.
  4. The Event Coordinator shall ensure that at least one member of the College’s Public Safety Department is on stand by along with the local Fire Department prior to the start of the bonfire.
  5. Fuel for the bonfire will consist of seasoned dry firewood, all excess wood and debris must be removed from the site once the fire is bonfire is constructed.
  6. Accelerants (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, etc.) or any other flammables are not permitted to start or re-start the bonfire.
  7. All persons involved in the construction of the bonfire must wear the proper personal protective equipment. This is, but not limited to, safety glasses, shoes with substantial soles, and leather gloves.
  8. Potential severe weather or steady winds of 10 mph or higher may delay or cancel the bonfire. If wind speeds increase to a dangerous level or weather conditions worsen after the bonfire is started, the fire may be extinguished to protect the public and nearby property.