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Quick Start

This guide provides an overview of academic majors, freestanding minors and faculty roles and contributions to assessing student learning.

All Academic Majors

  • Articulate student learning goals and approximately five to eight student learning outcomes.
  • Create a three year assessment plan during which it will assess all program learning outcomes and a curriculum map.
  • Use two measures for each student learning outcome.
    • At least one measure must be a direct measure of student learning.
    • The second measure can be direct or indirect measures of student learning
  • Reflect on findings for both measures, compare to previous assessments if possible and implement appropriate actions.

Freestanding Minors with at least 12 students

  • Articulate student learning goals and approximately two to three student learning outcomes.
  • Create a three year assessment plan and curriculum map.
  • Assess student learning if there are at least 12 students enrolled in the freestanding minor per the fall Enrollment Report produced by Institutional Research.
    • Assess one student learning outcome per year. Note: programs with more than three outcomes will need to assess multiple outcomes some years.
    • Use two measures for each student learning outcome.
      • At least one measure must be a direct measure of student learning.
      • The second measure can be direct or indirect measures of student learning
    • Reflect on findings for both measures, compare to previous assessments if possible and implement appropriate actions.

Overview of Faculty Assessment Roles

Faculty are essential to the assessment process and perform three general roles.

  • Participate in assessment planning and analysis as part of their convening group. This includes creating / revising student learning outcomes, updating curriculum maps, reviewing assessment data and findings, comparing current assessment results to previous results, and creating appropriate actions.
  • Some academic years, faculty will score or evaluate student products or other evidence of student learning.
  • Some academic years, faculty will share student products or other evidence of student learning from your courses with the convening group for assessment when appropriate.